A Simple Reminder

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3 years ago

I haven’t been writing for a while because you know, the pandemic has been making me pretty moody. And I don’t like to write when I am in a lousy mood. I like to spread good energy and positivity to others. Nobody likes to hang out with Mr Grumpy Face. And so I did some things to feel better, including going for walks by the sea, exercising, meeting friends and spending more time with people, watching lots of educational videos, and just enjoy the simple scenery and smelling the flowers.

There is a guy out there who has almost perfect memory, who could read books and remember almost all the contents of those books, page to page. It sounds like a great ability to have, who doesn’t want it? His name is Kim Peek and if you know about this guy, he suffers from many disabilities which means he is highly dependent on a caretaker to take care of his basic needs. Kim Peek is already dead, by the way. If I didn’t talk about the disabilities of Kim Peek, some people might have said, “I wished I was him”. And that brings me to the subject of envy. I don’t like envy because I believe it is a destructive emotion. Envy comes about because we only got to see one side of the story and that side of the story is usually not an accurate depiction of the person.

A good example is Dan Bilzerian who is a social media personality with lots of followers. He enjoys portraying the image of a perfect life, constant wild parties, living in a mansion surrounded by beautiful girls, showing pictures and videos of him living a perfect life. Of course, once you realize that Dan’s dad is in prison for fraud, and Dan didn’t own the mansion nor the yachts, and he hired those girls just for the pictures/videos and that Dan Bilzerian is a fraud who is currently on the run from bankruptcy and on some government’s wanted list, envy starts to disappear rather quickly.

And that’s why I think envy is one of the most poisonous emotion a person can have. It robs a person of their happiness by what they see others have, which in the first place may not even be accurate in the age of social media. What is more meaningful and happy in life could be as simple as having a cup of coffee with friends, good genuine friends, and having a good time.

And if you’re reading this, I genuinely wish you a happy life. If you, like most people, have problems in your life, I wish that you are able to appreciate the good traits and good things that you already have in yourself. I genuinely believe there are lots of good in most people and sometimes they are doing themselves a disservice by forgetting what they are, which I would like to believe, is a wonderful albeit imperfect human being.

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Written by
3 years ago


Actually I do that too. Since the pandemic started I stopped writing on another site I used to post my articles on. Lol. Am thinking that might be the effect of this worldwide phenomenon on me. I used to write regularly but didn't feel like writing anymore since last year. That is until I discovered read cash and noise cash. Haha. Am quite new here but it looks like these sites cured my writer's block! :D

As for envious people, well that's just how other people operate. Lol. Can't really blame them for feeling envy towards you or other people. It can happen to anyone. :)

$ 1.00
3 years ago

Envy is so poisonous that it leads to hatred and other dangerous repercussions. Whoever has the spirit of envy will always been seen comparing his/herself to other people around him that are doing well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Envy leads to jealousy and jealousy leads to hatred. Best thing to do is to live ones life without comparing it to another person's. Be satisfied with whatsoever you have and don't let anybody be your standard.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It was a nice read.

When I'm not feeling great, I usually like to work out, too. Most recently I have started the "Sally Challenge". It sounds really stupid, but it is actually super hard and I have found new motivation trying to finish that challenge.

Maybe you're interested in reading my article about it: https://read.cash/@MoreGainStrategies/the-2-am-sally-challenge-article-b9e2a5a7

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the reminder. If you are right we are all imperfect, and that is what makes us valuable in itself. Envying the lives of others is meaningless if you have your own. Whoever complains about his conditions or wishes to enjoy the fortune of others, real or fictitious, wastes the great gift in his hands.

$ 0.00
3 years ago