The joy in kindness

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Avatar for Moaliale
3 years ago

I think more than 90% of the people have experienced the extreme joy that lies in performing simple random kind acts and I think that almost all of these 90% of the people in the world have thoroughly enjoyed that joy.

The most logical thing to do, would be to get more and more of that joy, through more and more kindness and love. But we are so inundated, flooded, overwhelmed by the media with strong messages that happiness lies in being rich and famous and in purchasing all things shown in the endless ads.

We are shown the comfort of private jets, of super expensive cars of a life in luxury. And surely these things bring comfort. But the biggest joy, the truest happiness still lies in kindness, service, helpfulness.

I think 90% of the people who know the joy of service and kindness, still are deceived by the media. While the comfort we find in material wealth is pleasant and worthy of obtaining, it tends to become problematic if that is our priority.

Because upon achieving one level of wealth we do enjoy the comfort but do not experience true joy, true happiness and then are led to believe that our wealth is not enough...

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