When accomplishment turns into frustration

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3 years ago
Photo from Unsplash

Have you tried making reports in a computer and then when you are almost finished there was a electrical interruption and your computer turned off and you have not saved your work?

Have you tried making an article in read and you have not clicked the "Save the Draft" and accidentally close the tab?

If YES, what do you feel exactly? frustration, sadness, regrets, annoyed , I think there's no positive feeling we can describe for this event. All of these are normal.

Now, How did you respond to that event? Did you get up and try to do the same thing again? or leave out of frustration?

I am asking these questions because I for one, experienced it yesterday and I posted it in Noise. Yes, I am an IT Faculty, yet I fail ! please don't judge me.

What really happened?

I am encoding Document1 using Microsoft Word and I was not mindful if I was able to save it or not. After I format Document1, I like the formatting and I have another document , Document2 which I like to have that formatting, so I copied the content of Document 2 and pasted it in document 1, replacing all the contents of Document 1 and I click Save As, so that I can name it with another document name. Then, Viola! I formatted Document2 well and close the document.

When I was about to print both document, when I opened Document1 there's no content at all, and when I opened Document2, the latest changes are there. There I found out that I overwritten the Document1 with the contents of Document2. Ctrl + Z (undo) will not work in this case because I had closed the Document 2 already. I actually tried to Google the solution for this but the suggestions won't work.

So, I take a deep breath, pause for a while and head back again to my computer and do the proposal again.

My realizations

Bad times and bad days will be there, what matters most is your response to that scenario. Will you keep yourself to be frustrated, annoyed and not work again? or pick yourself up and make things better. I actually like the comment of @JTatlow .

The new attempt indeed becomes quick and better, I have found out that I have some missed points in my 1st proposal. The things I wrote in the first was till fresh in my mind, I easily remembered them.

Also, be mindful of that Save button. Always click save of Ctrl + S to sure that you have saved your work. Never, do the Save As if you are not sure if you already saved that document.

Focus on the goal. As I said, bad days will be there, they are obstacles, if you let yourself be defeated by it, you will not accomplish your goal. Rest if you must, pause for while, drink coffee or tea if you need, look on the other side, relax your mind and prepare for another battle.


Don't let the undesirable events ruin your motivation to work on something. Undesirable events are normal, spice of life as they say, it comes in your busy days and in the times that you least expect them to come. The most important part is your response to the said event. Will you dwell with the negativity? Don't be discouraged, you have to pick yourself up and turn that frustration into accomplishment again.

“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.”

― T.F. Hodge,

I am still up for my previous program, Write with me Program for those who want to collaborate in writing with me. Please feel free to read the details in the article Write with Me: Earning BCH through Collaboration and give me a message.

Big thanks to my sponsors @meitanteikudo @immaryandmerry @CryptoMax @Vincenzina 


If you have a passion in writing you are very much welcome in read.cash


And if you want shorter messages, see you in Noise


If you want to see journal and planner contents in YouTube here's my channel link.


Thanks and see you around.

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$ 11.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.14 from @JTatlow
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3 years ago


@Brixxx, I super agree to you. taking it negatively will not really help.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Controlling once frustation is always a key😊

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3 years ago