From Now On Negativity is have no Space in my Heart and Mind

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3 years ago
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Life is not complete without thinking bad words and bad ideas. I can't imagine myself without I think it's just a part of my life thinking negativity but not all the time.

Every time that I am sad, hopeless and I don't know what to do I can think negative thoughts in my mind and sometimes in my heart. I am a kind of silent person, I am choosing a person who can trust with. I am choosing a person who I can tell my problems but if they are trying to betray me I am so emotional and sometimes having self-pity.

I've realized that having negative thoughts in your whole life is not good because you become sickly and out of motivation in your life. I can't handle my feelings sometimes when it comes to me, and it will develop into anxiety that is so hard to go away.

I am doing all my best to become a very positive person in life. I will put God to become a centre in my whole life and my family. God knows everything, I believe in God that He will heal me in everything that I feel and everything that I have done. I am trying my whole best to serve God and give him time and sacrifice the day every Sunday for him.

No space for negative people and negative doing and will give a big space for all positive thoughts and doing to serve God. God is our saviour, everything will depend on him.

Base on my experience since I was young I am not like this because I am just a happy person even in small things. My face looks unhappy but it's just my face there's nothing wrong with it. I think it's because of my eyes that looks sad even if it's not. I am so emotional when I got married because I don't know how to handle even small problems.

One of my Officemates that looks like my second parents motivate and encourage me to become strong and never surrender to everything. Just fight for everything and be strong because God never give a challenge if you can't handle it or you don't know how to survive with it. They teach me how to handle problems in a family, they teach me how to sacrifice something just to face everything and become strong.

Before, when I was a teenager. I am an active member of a Parish Youth Apostolate (PYA). I am always represented in a church activity for that time. I just stop when I get married. I want to go back to that activity so that God will become into my heart and soul.

I was encouraged when I meet someone as a member of a church healing Eucharist. She enlightens me, motivates me that never pot negatively thoughts in everything that happens in our life. Soon, if God will guide me well I can do it. I need time management, I know I can handle this I can have time a lot of time to God not the problem and negative thoughts anymore..

Life most go on, I enjoy my life having a positive life. Positivity in life is a best way to your long life and happy life.

$ 1.73
$ 1.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Miyuki1991
3 years ago


We all have experienced through this as for so many things we struggled very hard with full of planning, we didn't left anything which could be lead us to fail but finally we fail, so prior of all we have to pray deep from our heart and then start planning and struggling. If we trust in God our life will be much easier.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right. We need to trust God because it only depends on him.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's the spirit. Having the power to control your thoughts not to always think negative on yourself.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yeah, I need positive thoughts from this moment. And also I inspired myself from others lesson too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Don't let yourself pull you down from the negativity. Be positive as always and it will follow the better days💛 Laban lng sis😊

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Oo nga sis ehh.. kaya ko ito. Para hindi na ako maging weak

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes siss😍 kapit lng. Let God handle ur burdens.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oo nga sis ehh, kaya ko ito

$ 0.00
3 years ago