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3 years ago

Today i will decide to write about something. I dont think if you might be interested but i want to share here what i thought about in life. All of them is not really true meaning of our life. Why we live here? Why we need to experience what we have to experienced?.

You think what is the purpose of your life here in earth? so many question in our mind. Lets try to answer some of the basic question according to the verse of the bibble.

By the way, all of this is according to my research. And i will try to write here, because not all of them is watching youtube or ready to listen about bibble.

I want to share here what i though about in life if you read or listening what the bibble said. Im not a good person im just ordinary person who curious what is the real meaning of our life. It is true what the bible said, about after death? the 1000years? .

Many of here is not totally what is the true meaning of life, what is your purpose here, and where is your going after your life here. you live in a good way? you think your all doing here is enough to go to heaven after your life? you belive in the judgemental day?.

lets try to explore and try to read some of the answer according to the verse of the bibble. I have no bad intensions, i just want to share with you my thoughts.

God Bless Us.♥️♥️♥️

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$ 32.00 from @jiroshin
