“A Bank makes Money out of others People's Money”
This implies that a bank will be procuring benefit by reinvesting the amassed stores from contributors. Here, as a result of trust also, certainty of investors to the bank – they depend or store their extra or inactive assets to the bank. With these stores got by the bank, the bank will be paying revenue on stores to contributors. Thus, the bank will likewise utilize or reinvest the gathered stores into additional useful exercises by loaning them to the individuals who are needing cash particularly to money managers. Here, the bank will charge the borrower's a premium on the acquired assets which are obviously higher than the interest paid to the investors. Thus, the contrast between the measure of loan fees on stores and the financing costs on acquired assets is considered as the benefit of the bank and this is the alleged "Money" made by the bank in utilizing the cash of contributors – alluded to as the "OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY".
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