Are You One of Those? These are 5 Advantages of Introvert in Workplace

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3 years ago

What is introvert? An introvert is an individual that often thought of as quiet, thoughtful, and reserved individual. They don't seek out social engagements or special attention, as these things can leave them feeling drained and exhausted.

Isn't that bad at this modern world, or we can call it social media world? How can they survive on this collaborative, open working spaces that encourega co-workers to socialise and bounce ideas off of each other?

Don't worry about it. Eventhough introverts often to be associated with negative tratis, such as anxious or shy...However, that perspective is shifting as more employers realise the benefits of having introverts in the workplace.

The Advantage of Introverts in the the Workplace

  • Thorough and cautious when making decisions.

    They tend to take a more cautious and thorough approach when it comes to decision making. They prefer to consider multiple outcomes ( from worst to best scenarios ) and make a decision based on these outcomes.

  • Great listeners.

    They tend to feel more comfortable listening than talking. They also prefer to think before they speak and are mindful of what to say. That's mean, they spend more time absorbing knowledge from colleagues and leaders. This is a great combination with their thorough thinking ability.

  • They are sensitive.

    Introverts are very senitive to and aware of the needs of the people around them. As a result, many are naturally considerate of their colleagues and tend to be more compassionate. Because of this insight, they can see things from the other people's perspective. It's an invaluable trait, especially for those who work at marketing or product developtment.

  • Introverts are focused inward.

    They tend to keep to themselves. They prefer conversation where they can make real connections. The tend to avoid drama or politic that occure in workplace. Because of that, they able to stay focused and turn their attention inward to get more works done. Also, they are generally more drawn to quite work environtments.

  • Creative.

    They crave quite time alone for reflection and recharging. It's solitude that allows them to brew their unusual and amazing ideas. As long as solitude isn't rootes in fear and anxiety, it can foster creative thinking and work.

    They like to play with their imaginations, it's no wonder that most artist come from introvert individual.

Introvert bring many benefits to workplace. They've mastered the art of creative thinking, can work independent, didn't care for workplace drama and politic and the most important thing is they can take decision maker role.

So, for all introverts out there. Don't be discouraged. You have your own abilities that will help you get to the top.

Image credit : pixabay

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @RDMoy
Avatar for Minnimi
3 years ago


Introverted people have many strengths: they are hard-working, self-disciplined, dedicated to their projects and have a great capacity for analysis. Interesting article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Damn! I'm an introvert but I think the disadvantages on a guy is quite critical. Finding it hard to associate easily, especially going after a lady that you like 🧐

$ 0.00
3 years ago