Hello, I am a newbie
I am happy to finally be here. My name is Agio and this is the first time I am posting on this platform. I just want to say hello to anyone who spends time reading this post. I must say thankyou.
I came across a post that said many positive things about read.cash a month ago and I thought I need to share my thoughts here. And then I decided that I should waste no more time.
I am one who enjoys writing, especially if it involves creativity.I also have a lot of personal experiences to share.
One beautiful thing about reading someone else's story is that, you learn from someone else's experience. Sometimes someone else's story may teach you a lesson that will last you a lifetime. And to tell you the truth some stories are better read than experienced. So maybe with a good moral lesson you will never have to experience certain things or handle things better if you do.
I am particularly interested in issues that arise in one's lovelife.
Well let me leave all the information for the posts ahead. I just want to say thankyou for having me here. I look forward to learning from you and having you learn from me too.
See you around.
Welcome! :)