The following are practical ways to live happily so that you are not easily stressed that you can do from now on.

  1. Regular exercise

    Not only can make the body healthy and fit, exercise can also make us happier. Exercise is usually associated with feelings of happiness because it is effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. No need to do complicated things, just do simple things, like walk around the complex or take yoga classes, at least 30 minutes a day.

  2. Think positive more often

    Thoughts can also trigger feelings of stress and make us unhappy. Well, we need to control our thoughts so we don't worry too much about bad things. Make our minds more positive and calm in living this life.

  3. Don't care too much about what other people say

    The advice of others can indeed help our lives. However, we must filter their words again because we live it ourselves, not others. So, avoid always listening and caring too much about what people say about you and just be yourself.

  4. Live for yourself

    This is not selfish. You need to live for yourself without the approval of others. You are free to choose what you think is good and right to do. So, make the choice for you and feel the happiness.

  5. Don't depend on other people

    Happiness always comes from yourself, not from others. Try not to hang happiness on other people. Believe in yourself, believe that you can take responsibility, and enjoy happiness. This also means that you don't always have to make other people happy, the most important thing is yourself.

  6. Don't be jealous of others

    It is undeniable that we can feel envy and insecure. This is the most natural thing that could possibly happen. However, if you learn to be grateful, it will be easier for you to feel that happiness. Jealousy of other people will only create insecurity, which ultimately makes your happiness disappear. Come on, let go of jealousy and learn to be grateful.

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@Milki1312 posted 3 years ago
