Why are you in that religion you are today?
Hello guys, it's weekend, Sunday a day of rest and relaxation, let's quickly take a look at something very important here.
As we all know, most of us were born into the religion we are right now while some were converted while many are just normal humans without a religion, but what ever you find yourself, but let's always remember that before we became religious, we're were first humans and that alone joins us together, so let's here from you why you feel and like your present state or religion.
Are you a Christian, why do you like about being a Christian?
Are you a Muslim, why do you like being a Muslim?
Are you a Buddhist, why do you like about being a Buddhist?
Are you a traditionalist, why do you like being one?
Or you don't belong to any religion, why do you like being the way you are?
Let's here you out in the comments section.
Always remember that in all you do; #MONEYMUSTBEMADE
I remain your friends and brother.
Because Islam is a religion of peace and it teaches us on how to love one another