Life will continue to pass you by, so you should...

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Avatar for MidnightSky
1 year ago

"You are not getting younger, you should find someone to get married with"

Oh screw this lines, it's your life to live, don't be so nanny on yourself, people will always have a say, and what's their problem if you aren't in any romantic relationship, you are you, romance is not always having a partner, or getting married, romance is everywhere and it's up to us on how we should deal with it,

The title of this should be


A lot of people says that it's so romantic to be with someone, yet for me this is cliché, we don't need to wait for someone for that romance to happen, often times, life feels like a mundane but we shouldn't be taking it as it is, romanticized it, appreciate those little things, admire the minimalism of this life, find the beauty of every moments may could be a normal days or even in the midst of difficulties, find positivity on every negativity, bring some extra beauty on everything,

This expedition shouldn't be boring as it is, make every simple things in life as your escape, make your everydays unique and worth remembering. You could start by waking up in the morning and preparing meals for yourself, garnishing your food, brew a coffee and smell the aroma that lingers in your kitchen, imagine like you're in a story, romanticized the morning having your breakfast even you are alone, don't be too tight on yourself, be creative on your own, because life should be always taken seriously, you might regret not doing things with a little bit of creativity, fun and excitement...

Fall in love with your life again, fall in love with yourself,

There's a lot to romanticized for that this life may offer, those things that we go unnoticed everyday, like...

Sitting at your couch close to your window every morning, feeling the cold breeze hitting your face, while having a warm coffee, and just yourself feeling at peace, no words to say, a quite and calming silence, just your breathing and the noise from the nature that feels therapeutic envelopes you,

Or it could be, having a late night walk, headphones on, playing your made up playlist, feeling the vibe, and the light of the stars, and the moon, adds up the aesthetic beauty of the moment, or could be those city lights that spice the night,

Friends hangouts that feels like it's the last time, enjoying stuffs, having sleepovers, hooked up on watching marathons, buying delivery foods, wearing pj's,

Study with instrumental music playing at your background,

Sitting on a bus ride near the window, wearing your earphones, feeling like you're in some kind of a movie where you are the main character,

Visiting places, exploring things, having walks in park, drinking wine at a stressful night, watching city lights, going on a roof top for fresh air, admiring the scenery of the city at night, going for a jog, having coffee dates with yourself or with your friends,

You see it's all those simple things that matter the most.

You don't need a romantic someone to feel the romance, you can be romantic on your own, you can live this life like a romance that you want even without really have a person to rely this feeling onto, I mean enjoy your life, romanticized it the way you wanted, don't settle or don't waste your time waiting for a romatic person just to feel that romance, because it's you whom you, yourself is whom you're waiting for,

Be the main character in your own fairytale, you can live your life as you wanted it to be, this lifetime is too short to just stays in comfort of waiting for people to give your needs, oh, come on wake up, you are the main character, the leading lady or the leading man in this story of yours,

Treat this world like your own kingdom, be a kindsoul to anyone, enjoy every single day romanticizing things that makes that lips of yours curved into a cresent smile.

That would be it for now, I'm here sitting at the couch waiting for the clock to hits on 11 pm since I'm going to some errands today, gosh I hate going out at this hour because the heat from the sun feels like burning me alive in a huge fireplace hahaha, kidding it's just a sunheat and I'm dora the explorer hahaha gosh, oh yeah please bare with my craziness after getting on so serious with the topic on this article and then go back being a cringed clown person every ending of articles hahha, and now I'm so talkative so I will shut my mouth off now haha.

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By the way have a great day to all, Happy Wednesday, God bless us all, enjoy the rest of the day my dearest skies, keep safe and always stay hydrated, enjoy:-)

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1 year ago


Recently a sick minded woman asked me why I'm not getting married as I'm getting older not younger. She was trying to pull me down by saying this because I'm happier and successful enough than the woman and she is jealous to see me happy and self dependent. These people are sick and over concerned.

$ 0.01
1 year ago