Envy & Fear: Why do People Desire Power?

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3 years ago

Politics is the art of forcing people to live as you want them to live; by duping, brainwashing (often through public schools), or threatening them, and in the last instance by jailing or killing those who don't submit. This is the principle of all politics.

Why do people want to dictate how others should live? Why not let everyone, every group, and every family live as they want, as long as they are not harming anyone else?

The answers first coming to mind is that people want power for money and prestige, for parasitism - and that might be one driving force. But why do they desire prestige? The reason is often inferiority complex.

So, at the bottom, I think the two dominating driving forces for people wanting power over others are: inferiority complex and fear - inferiority complex because people feeling insignificant must blow up their importance by having power over others; fear, because some people fear to lose the ability to live as they want, unless they force others as well to live like that. Let's look at that more in detail.

"Les envieux mourront mais non jamais l'envie."

[The envious die, envy never.]

(Molière, Tartuffe)

Envy & Inferiority Complex

Envy is a widespread phenomenon, most certainly a part of human herd mentality. Competition for position in the herd makes members envious of individuals reaching higher than they do. Typically, this is an emotion triggered mainly by the rise in status of a previous equal. It is strongly linked to the inferiority complex.

Contemporary humanity, which, at least in the modern world, can only be characterised as gravely neurotic, is morbidly envy-driven. The inferiority complex is omnipresent; a curse of the mass society, it is a major driving force for human action. In politics as well, and particularly in a democracy, where a politician's thirst for power is almost entirely based on a monumental inferiority complex. This makes these individuals especially ill-suited for authority; they are mentally predestined to abuse it.

When a person with such a complex reaches a position of power, he compulsively demonstrates it. Whenever and wherever he finds an opportunity to interfere with the business of others, he does! Thus he becomes a destroyer. That is no conscious malice, just a natural consequence of his psyche. It is unavoidable when such people are allowed to get any kind of authority.

Unfortunately a democratic system brings forth only this sort of leaders, without any exception. Nobody else would ever deign to involve himself in an election campaign or the related media exposure; a situation that is best described as a form of prostitution.

Fear as a Driving Force

The political paradigm makes it necessary for me to try to force everyone to live as I want them to live, even to think as I want them to think, because otherwise I cannot live as I want. This is a matter of self-preservation. Since the political society cannot accept deviations outside a narrowly defined framework, I must push everyone to live according to my ideals, to mould the framework to fit my image, otherwise I might not be able to live according to my ideals myself.

In a political society, the power rests with the one who defines the framework, and he shapes it so it suits him; he might seek the power ultimately because he desires, not to govern others, but to shape his own life as he wants it. If he didn't have that power, someone else would shape it, and he would live suppressed by someone else's visions.

In this sense, the ultimate driving force of politicians is not always that they really want power over others for the sake of it, it is not only a matter of prestige and money, desired parasitism, or inferiority complex, but they might as well be driven by a strong fear of not being able to live their own lives as they see fit. Then the only means to assure that they can do so is to amass political power, to force others into the same pattern - to make it the acceptable framework.

So, what is the problem?

The framework is. A standard within which everyone must live. This is the political paradigm, and few people question it. We must realise that there is no such thing as universal standards, and conformity is not desirable.

Fear is. If we think that we preventively must defeat everyone else in order to survive, everyone else will do the same and it will become true. We will get a perpetual fight where everyone loses. Isn't that a good description of contemporary politics?

Some related articles:

The Mind of a Politician

Either Health Freedom or Slavery - A Little of Each is not Possible

Discrimination & The Legal Fiction of Private Ownership

Justice, Law & The State As a Self-Contradiction

The Meddler Civilisation

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3 years ago
