The phone of time - Microstory #3 (Subtitles)

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1 year ago

Attention, my intrepid audience! Meet Luis, the curious adventurer who found a magical phone in his grandfather's attic and set off on an amazing time odyssey. Are you ready for a trip full of dust, jazz and epic discoveries?

Luis pressed the buttons on the phone and cataplum! He found himself in the roaring 20's! Surrounded by striped suits and girls in fringed dresses, Luis plunged into a wild party. He chatted with eccentric artists and bully rebels, laughing out loud to the rhythm of jazz.

This was quite an amazing trip, which I invite you to enjoy in my video accompanied by the music of yourtunes from Pixabay

I'm always trying to make them enjoy short videos, in order to get the most out of our valuable time, which at the speed at which we currently live, is a vital necessity.

So without further ado, enjoy the video and tell me in the comments if you have ever traveled in time, maybe you used the Delorean and I don't know.


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1 year ago
