The inaccessible desire: the struggle to obtain water.

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1 year ago
Topics: Experiences, Writing, Water, Acces, Life, ...

Dear readers, I send you a big greeting today and I hope you are having a great time.

Before we start, I want to tell you that I am very excited about this interesting words project, because it introduces us to a large number of words, of which we surely were not very clear about the meaning, and we can learn through this knowledge the subtle difference that there is between one word and another, which despite seeming synonymous are not. Because they have a subtlety that makes an important change, as has happened with the words calm, dream, chimera, etc. So I hope you are enjoying these contents as much as I do.

And today we have the word inaccessible which comes from the late Latin inaccessibilis and the dictionary of the Spanish language qualifies it as an adjective of inaccessible. Actually this word means that it is something that cannot be easily achieved or that has many obstacles or limitations.

This can be something that is physical, such as a barrier that prevents you from reaching a place, it can be a very steep mountain like the one I put at the top of this post, or it can be something more abstract, such as the concept of something that needs to be explained or an idea.


Source of the definition
For example, explaining the concept of the chain of blocks to a person who does not know anything about technology is something that is inaccessible to them. This is more or less the concept that is handled by this word.

In relation to this word, I want to emphasize that worldwide there are many people and many populations that struggle daily to have access to water.

Without going very far, right here where I live in Venezuela, we have a serious problem in relation to this, because the turbines and the equipment that are in charge of supplying the water are very deteriorated, and out of 9 or 10 turbines that our main dam has Currently, only one is working, or in the best of cases, two, which means that we have serious restrictions on the service, and we have to go through severe shortages.

Having access to water is a fundamental right, it is something basic that anyone should have, but currently in the world there are many people who do not have access to it, due to extreme conditions of poverty, because there is no necessary infrastructure to be able to build the wells or the machines needed to build a dam.

There are also factors such as pollution and climate change, which means that, for example, in remote parts of the world, these communities have desert soils, due to the great temperature that climate change produces and this obviously makes it a desert soil and that there is no water. Making life very difficult for these people, for example in Africa, in those lost communities, having access to the vital liquid becomes a privilege and in the case of Nigeria as well.

You can see in other parts of the world the effects of not having access to water, of inaccessible water, this results in many children being malnourished, weak, starving. And the population in general suffers from malnutrition, they have a large number of diseases, such as scabies, dermatitis and obviously this reduces the reasoning and study condition of these people, because they do not have access to water, they have this number of additional problems that are pretty serious. Currently, these people receive help from NGOs that are in charge of doing everything possible to give them humanitarian aid, bring them technology, people like Bill Gates have invested in technologies that purify water, so that they can have access to it, or that they can recycle the contaminated water in those places to make it drinkable and usable.

Many water filters have been created that help the population a lot, but, nevertheless, they do not receive all the necessary help. And governments and people who have power need to establish public policies that are more open and allow these people to have access to water, because it is necessary, it is a vital human right for them and to be able to develop their communities. Once these people have access to water, they will be able to have better personal hygiene, illnesses will decrease, they will be able to study and think, they will be rational because they will not be dehydrated due to lack of of water. It is important that governments look for mechanisms to help their inhabitants and also that awareness is awakened, worldwide, in each individual, in each citizen, to support these people and that water becomes something accessible that improves its quality of life.

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1 year ago
Topics: Experiences, Writing, Water, Acces, Life, ...


In the whole world, these are so many regions where water is inaccessible like if I talk about my country "Pakistan " Sindh rural areas are water deficient areas. This post is bit different from previous because it contain story by the way previous were also having story but this is something more.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It is a serious problem! The distribution of wealth today, where those who have power only seek to accumulate more and do not help those who need it.

Sometimes, as you have noticed, I am inclined to be more sensitive to certain issues and that is why I give them a little more background or history because they are more important to me, since being able to speak with awareness of how difficult it is not to have water , living in a country that has serious difficulties in this regard, allows me to be able to write and make known what I think of all the tragedies that I have to go through.

Grateful for your grain of sand and your always welcome contribution here to my virtual house.

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1 year ago