Surviving a Close Call: Reflections on the Meaning of 'A Very Close Shave

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1 year ago

Today I have to talk about a phrase that has been proposed for today's topic, it's the expression "a very close shave". Of course, when we refer to this term in the Spanish language, it literally means to cut yourself or to shave too firmly. That is, one can easily imagine passing the razor two or three times over the same spot to achieve an even shave without leaving any cuts on the skin. But this expression in English is used to describe an experience close to tragedy or a dangerous event from which one has narrowly escaped.

It's quite curious how words or expressions can mean one thing in one language and something very different in another culture or belief. It's difficult to understand the context if you don't know in detail the traditions and slang of other people in North America and other countries. That's why it's always important to read many books and be culturally aware.

Regarding close calls with death, I have some. I remember one opportunity many years ago, when I was around 20 or 22 years old. I was in my rebellious phase, in which one believes they can take on the world, that one is very brave and can take on the world alone. At that time, I believed that life was about drinking alcohol every weekend, so I spent all my salary income on alcohol, nightclubs, and places with women.

One weekend, I was returning home very late, past midnight, quite drunk and walking on the sidewalk of a place near where I live. I must mention that where I live has been for many years a very dangerous area, a popular zone known as the "red zone," the largest and most dangerous neighborhood in all of Latin America. But I was stupid and young, I wasn't afraid of anything. In my drunken state, I left a strip club or a place with women, without realizing that someone was following me. The place where I was known to be a bar where police officers and people from the world of crime were often present. One of the individuals who was there began to follow me, probably an ex-police officer or a robber.

I realized halfway through that he was following me and tried to speed up as much as I could. I walked and walked until I arrived at a place where there was a court for a sport called "bolas criollas," praying that a police patrol would pass to ask for help. The man crossed to the other side of the street, pulled out a revolver, and asked me to go into the court without saying anything. He told me to stay calm and not to resist. He took a brand-name blue jean jacket I had, put the gun to my forehead, and asked me to give him all my belongings. I gave him everything and, at the moment when he was going to take the jacket, he put the gun between his legs, holding it with his knees, to put it on. At that moment, I thought about pushing him or doing something, but fortunately, I didn't, because if I had, I don't think I would have survived. The man took my belongings and told me to wait until he left before I could leave. I went home regretful and without money, but at least with my keys and my life intact.

This was a close call with death in which I could have lost my life, but I came out of this dangerous event, which is what the expression "a very close shave" refers to. These are things in life and experiences one has when young and believes they know everything, but it's not so.

And this has been my five-minute writing for today.

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1 year ago


Amigo que experiencia tan traum谩tica 馃ズ que bueno que no te hicistes nada en contra del ladr贸n y hoy puedes contarnos tu historia.. Hay muchos que est谩n muertos por d谩rselas de valientes y pelear con el ladr贸n o ladrones .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pues si, ese fue uno de los momentos en donde tuve una encrucijada en mi vida, y la muerte aguardando mi decision. Aun recuerdo el momento y al hacerlo se me eriza la piel y siento escalofrios. El macho promedio venezolano seguramente se hubiese lanzado a darle un golpe o algo, y precisamente por esa cultura de darselas de "super hombres" o "machitos" es que terminan sepultados. Prefiero ser tildado de cobarde, y seguir disfrutando de la vida, a tener un momento de masculinidad que es algo que se olvidara en breves dias. Mientras que la vida, dura mucho mas. Pero la gente a veces toma decisiones erradas...

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1 year ago

Exactamente las decisiones equivocadas conducen a desastres. Tu an茅cdota me record贸 a un suceso que recientemente le ocurri贸 a un venezolano en Chile, estaba en un parque prestando su servicio de entrenador y paso un delincuente y los asalto y el joven por d谩rselas de valiente se puso a discutir con el ladr贸n que no le iba a entregar nada y ! BAM BAM! lo dej贸 en el acto muerto y el ladr贸n se escap贸 馃ズ Gracias al Creador que la otra joven que estaba all铆 no le pas贸 nada solo la mala experiencia vivida.

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1 year ago