The Last Register....
11th April, 2022
You might be wondering what on Earth I mean with the last register. Erase your worries though, as it is ready to be replaced with clarification. Let's dive!
A register according to Wikipedia may be defined as something that is written down so that there is a record (written proof) of something. It may, for example be a list of names that has been well documented.
But behold beloved, you are entitled to know that they are register and there are registers. When a child is to start schooling, he/she must be registered. When someone is promoted from a class to the other, he/she must be registered.
When someone is employed in an organization, he/she is registered. When a patient gets to the hospital, before being attended to, he/she must be registered. When a man and a woman are getting married, they are registered, Before someone can travel abroad, he/she needs to be registered. There is virtually no meaningful thing that one does without being registered.
Gradually, we are getting there, but still all these are just preambles.
Do you Know that, One may claim to have been registered in all the pre-mentioned register and still live a miserable life.
According to Revelation 20:12 (KJV), which says and I quote:
"Anyone whose name was not found in the book of life, was thrown into the lake of fire" .
This actually stresses how important it is for one to be saved, God is not asking whether or not you are educated, healthy, wealthy, well connected, religious, knowledgeable, or influential, but he's asking if you have been saved.
Are you born again ?. Is your name written in the book of life ?. Are you hopeful of heaven ?. If death comes calling in the next minute, where will you spend your eternity ?. Where will you be when the last trumpet sounds unannounced ?.
"And whosoever was not found written in the book of Life, was cast into the lake of fire - Revelation 20: 15 (NIV)
God is more interested in your soul that was why he sent his only begotten son (Jesus Christ)- John 3: 16. He demonstrated his own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us - Romans 5:8.
God loves you just as you are, Are you a liar, fornicator, thief, fraudster, smoker, adulterer, or drunkard. He does loves you. He doesn't want you to die in your sins, and that's why he's calling you today; tomorrow might be too late.
Are you ready to be registered in the Lord's book which is the last and most important register, then you must do the following:
Admitt yourself as a sinner.
Repent and be converted
Confess and forsake all known sins
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour
Join a Bible believing Church to grow your faith.
Congratulations and welcome to the Lord's family!.
Author's Message
Howdy Folks!!... My appreciation goes to all my amazing friends, writers, subscribers and sponsors. Thanks for your support, I am grateful.
I hope you find this write up useful.
DISCLAIMER: All materials published in this article, is solely intended for informative, educational and religious purposes only. No offence aimed at any person, entity, body, institution.
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And this a reminder again about heaven and hell. God want the best for us and does not want us to perish in that lake of Unquenchable fire. God's love is available for anyone that's interested. He accepts People that are willing to get closer to Him. Let's get registered by total surroundering ✌️