I just want to say hi to my 12 subscribers 👋. I'm really thankful to have you guys. Even though i can't create some good articles to make an inspiration, or ideas that can help others.
My articles is all about me, i tried to do an inspiration article and im so glad that some appreciate it.
Ive been had a roughful days and its really struggle for me to construct some article. I'm trying to put my attention on playing games everytime when I'm bored just to stop thinking why these all things happening to me? Why now? Why i felt like everyone leaves me? Why do people change ? And just throw you away when they not needed you anymore 😭 .
I'm so down and i dont feel doing anything . Until i noticed my preggy cat got sick too and poop a lot in just 1 day, exactly that day when i was so depressed and sad. But still i have to take care of her, and be on her side. I'm totally breaking down if something bad happen to her.
My cat is all i have right now, i love the way shes always come to me and look after me everytime i just go to the kitchen .. and wait for me outside the door of our comfort room.
That way she's just like saying "Mommy, there's no need to be sad .. I'm fine and I'm always here for you 🥺". And i feel get better everytime i hugged her. 😌
In all my roughful days youre always there for me, because of your cuteness I'd still smile. Even the way shes sleep it make me smile.
We have different ways on how to comfort ourselves when we feel so down and tired. Right now, Im physically good, but emotionally down and my heart still in pain. This quarantine put my life upside down and bring a lot of twist, just like kdrama. Can i have my best actress award please ? Lol kidding aside.
Anyway, we never can tell how long the wounds will heal..
But i know i'll be fine soon..
Not now..
In time..
Thanks for reading 😊