Does 'success' mean just making money?

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2 years ago

Does 'success' mean just making money?

From a very general point of view we mean 'success' as earning a lot of money and becoming financially rich. But think a little deeper! Does 'success' mean only this financial fulfillment? No, not at all. Success is something that brings you unimaginable happiness and unimaginable joy in everyday work.

Indeed, 'success' can be defined in many ways. Because everyone's perspective of success is different. Basically, whenever you don't enjoy working, you'll think you're far from successful. 'Success' is like an open window covered with absolute happiness.

You can identify yourself as a successful person only when you start thinking of yourself as a complete happy person.

What do successful people actually do?

Famous American actor, comedian, dancer, musician and songwriter Eddie Cantor said, "It takes at least 20 years to become an overnight success." Successful people look at every aspect of life in a positive way.

Successful people are learning in every aspect of life. They learn by reading books, socialize with people and even learn from making mistakes. And it is definitely not possible to learn so much in one day. Dear reader, do you know what makes successful people work tirelessly to succeed in life? The answer is 'passion'.

When you know what your passion in life is you will find your field of tireless work. The famous poet Richard ST John said, 'Success is not a one-way street but a continuous journey.' So a person's first task should be to find out what they are good at or what they enjoy and keep learning about it until they find the true definition of success. .

What is the next step after finding 'passion'?

Nobel-winning American poet, songwriter, singer, painter and author Bob Dylan said, 'A man is successful when he wakes up in the morning and goes to sleep at night doing the things he loves to do.' Along with finding his passion in life. One's battle to succeed does not end but begins.

Whenever you find your life's passion, you should work towards uncovering its inner mystery. The further you work, the further away you will be from your current status to success. You will feel an immense joy as you continue on this path and at some point you will be close to success.

But always remember one thing that the success that comes in your life suddenly can also leave your life suddenly. Its durability never lasts long.

How is 'success' to successful people?

Every successful person we have found in the world till date thinks that 'success' is not a synonym for making money. The definition of success is completely different for them. Their main thing in life cycle is to show the light of the dreams cherished inside. And for that goal, he did the work on the way with joy. In return, he received 'success' as a reward. Based on Born Realist.

We all have a purpose in life. It can be anything. Maybe becoming a doctor, or even someone or a cleaner can be a goal. But we must always be sure of one thing - we must have confidence and if someone asks us - what is the purpose of our life, then we should not give a fabricated answer to please him.

Some people may question our choice; But never give up hope. Some people always influence their children to become doctors or engineers or careers in higher paying jobs. Our goal in life may be a high paying job, but it should help the society. Yes, doctor is definitely a respectable profession. But people only look at the high income of doctors. We should give more importance to the doctor's skill, ability to cure disease, maintain good health etc.

Whatever we do, we should not be ashamed of it. Because as long as it benefits society, it is good work. Yes, wanting to be a cleaner might not be the best goal, but it's not the worst either. When children between the ages of 5 and 8 are asked what they want to be when they grow up, they all give the same answer - 'I want to be a doctor'. Later they discover what they really want to be. And that's normal. Being interested in different things is not bad at all. Again, just being interested doesn't mean we're very good at it. Some may be more interested in historical subjects, like to read them; But his expertise is actually in mathematics. This is also a normal thing. Ages 10 to 16 are called the 'developmental years' of children. This is when they can discover what they like and what they like to practice.

To reach the goal we have to work hard. But don't lose patience. Remember, being able to work for long hours is a matter of practice for us. In the end, let me just say that he should listen to what his heart tells him, and pray to Allah. One day in life he will be successful - this should be believed.

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2 years ago


Success is defined differently for each person. Each person has different goals which could define their happiness or success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my goodness. My apologies!! Something went wrong the last time I wanted to post a reply. It didn't get posted somehow. I wanted to inform you that the reply I had made was too long for the reply function and that I made It into an article. ( Should you wonder why it is in the form of me talking to my son, it's a format that i decided to use to bring some uniformity to my articles. Up to then my article formatting was all over the place. Anywho, sorry about not informing you about the reply turned article sooner

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2 years ago