I just finished eating breakfast and felt the need to rest for sometime but I found myself writing this during the so called rest. I guess I believe that rest is only after a work and I don't think eating is a work or is it?
As humans, we get tired at some point in time and at such times, rest is what is needed for our body. Even God rested after the creation, so who are we not to? But we find ourselves not taking rest when we should and this sometimes leads to our breakdown or we even fall sick.
Rest is a state of quietness and relaxation that charges us up to do better in our activities and relieves us from stress of work. Someone said "Rest is like peace and freedom from our worries and anxiety" and I totally agree with him on that. We all need to rest at some point no matter how busy we are.
For those who take time to rest, how do you rest? There are so many ways we can rest to be more effective on our activities. Here are some ways.
Physical Rest
This is the most common way to rest for so many including myself - Sleeping or taking a nap. Yeah, most of us sleep at night but do we sleep enough? No, because we tend to sleep late and wake up early thanks to our busy minds. And this is why taking naps are also important. Try having a short nap during the day, it can be very effective no matter how short the nap is.
Mental Rest
We are involved in different kind of busy work, some are always sitting down during their work time... Taking quick walks is a form of rest that would relax them. And for those who stand or are walking around during work time... Taking deep breathe will go a long way in keeping them active. The most important thing is to keep our mental health strong because it's part of our being healthy.
Sensory Rest
This is the category that most of us fall into. We are always on our phones, with our earphones plugged in, watching movies in the dark and spending long time of our day using our phones. Taking a break from them by shutting our eyes from those electronics for some minutes will give us sensory rest and it's very important because our eyes may wear out if we neglect giving it that rest.
Creative Rest
When writers have difficulties in writing, it's mostly as a result of not giving themselves enough rest. Creativity also need some rest to be active and better again. You don't always have to keep writing, take some time to sit quietly, read a book or watch inspiring movies. These would help you to be more efficient, creativity and ideas comes from a calm mind.
Emotional Rest
Instead of saying "Yes" to everything, try to think about it. Don't be in a hurry to make decisions especially important ones, it will wear you out and cause emotional stress. Take time to rest and think over proposals before making your decisions. Remember that wrong words may come back to hurt you, you can avoid all that by taking deep breaths before answering some questions or giving contributions to issues. Also find time to do what makes you happy, it relieves emotional stress too.
Social Rest
Some people like their alone time, myself included but there are times we've got to socialize with other people to improve in ourselves. Just be sure to be around people who you find to be supportive, kind and easy to be around them. Associating with toxic people will cause social stress which may lead to you withdrawing into your zone of comfort and may not tell well on your mental health. Some people even become hurt and depressed from associating with toxic people, you can try to avoid that.
Spiritual Rest
Studying and meditating on God's word gives a super rest to our souls and when our souls are strong, our physical and mental health improves. Another way to rest spiritually is taking time to volunteer in church services, it strengthens in unexplainable ways.
In what other ways can one rest, share with us in the comment section.
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Never knew resting has an in depth meaning as this. Most times i read novels as a form of relaxation.