It is an exchange of something for something else, meaning .. you can buy a stock on the stock exchange and make a deal-taking action, and here you specify taking your deal, and we will explain it in the next article, you define a deal to buy or sell the stock, and accordingly you carry out concepts, studies and teach a lot of Trading in the field of the stock exchange in order to take very, very secure and successful deals and in order to also earn more money .. And my dear shares can also trade after him, and I will explain the types of stocks on which you are based, so in order to be a respectable and successful trader, you must learn a lot and a lot and take and strive to In the end, you make a significant profit..and I will explain in the other article many things related to trading and types of stocks.β˜ΊπŸ’Œ

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@Mennaaboelwafa posted 3 years ago



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