You don’t need to survive tragedy, live a horrific life, or overcome insane challenges to live your best life. Most of us have a challenging life and at any point we can decide that we are going to make each day count and live a life with no regrets. Somehow it seems that the worst in life helps us to remember our time is limited and every single day counts. Guess what? Our time is limited, every single one of us. We all have only just so many days left and not one of us knows how many. Tomorrow, wake up and decide you aren’t going to care what others think, you are going to go after what you love, make your days count, spread joy and love, and live every single day to the fullest. Sure, it’s easier said than done, of course it’s going to force you out of your comfort zone, and make you reconsider how you waste time, but aren’t you worth the effort? Seriously? I’m sure I’m going to get the usual comments about how easy it is for me (that’s crap) and why it’s impossible for someone else (that’s not true). I’m not saying you have to jump, what I am saying is take one small baby step tomorrow to live your best life and build on it every single day.

Yes, your time is limited. Yes, you do decide how you spend it. Make it count. Have a great day world,

Dred ❤️

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@Meldred13 posted 3 years ago
