Love of parents💞

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3 years ago

"Once a man got married, he left his parents  and started living a luxurious life in the city with his wife. In his wife's love and busyness of work, he gradually started forgetting his parents.A few days later, a daughter was born. When his daughter was a little older, he took a pledge to take her to the fair. Then his father went to the fair with his daughter and wife. But due to carelessness, the little girl got lost. Her parents did not find her even after searching a lot and asked the police for help. After many attempts, the police returned the girl to her parents.


On the way back, the girl's father suddenly took a car and started his journey to the village with his daughter and wife. Seeing this, the wife wanted to know why he was going to the village!The man then said, "Today, as the father of a child, I understand how much it hurts when a child goes away." The man then said, "I will be with my parents from now on. I will take care of their service. "

This story shows how much the parents accept the sacrifice for us. But we forget the parents later which should not be at all. We should always live with the parents.

Thanks for reading...💞and special thanks for  @Tunuu and @Dreamer  for appreciating   us always... I hope they like my article...

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3 years ago


I'm proud to all the parents out there Willing to sacrifice, and do everything for the children ❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😍😍😍I am also

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am living with my parents and obviously by the grace mercy of Allah i have a great family.... I will never left them

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's incredible not just delightful!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago