Farewell Party 2k24. 🤓

Tomorrow, We are going to host an Event in which we are going to give Farewell to our Seniors who will be graduating soon.

At first, I was not in the mood to attend the event Because of the hot weather but All my classmates insisted a lot and It was hard for me to them say "NO" because They all are very Good friends of mine So I changed my mind, and Now I am going tomorrow to surprise them. Haha,

But, Till now I didn't select my Dress or anything else. Have a lot of things to do for tomorrow's event but Right now I just come back home from university and am too tired so First I get some sleep & later will complete my Preparation.

$ 0.03
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@Meher-Mah posted 1 month ago


Well good decision. You'll never know you might miss half of your life.

$ 0.00
4 weeks ago

I hope you enjoy the farewell party. 💯

$ 0.00
1 month ago