Does tumor mean cancer?

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago

As cancer grows, so does the awareness of the disease. People today understand that cancer does not mean death. Awareness also increases the chances of fighting cancer. Early detection and treatment can completely cure cancer or make it much easier to control. Even if it is caught in the growing condition, the patient's pain can be reduced a lot with the advice of a specialist doctor.

Does tumor mean cancer?

Tumors are abnormal tissue lumps in the body, whose cells grow very rapidly and uncontrollably. Tumors are generally of two types depending on the cell type and behavior

1. Binain: It's not dangerous;

2. Malignant: This is a dangerous tumor.

Cancer is a type of malignant tumor. Therefore, if the behavior of the tumor or tumor in the body is not characteristic of the malignant tumor or if the patient has none of the other symptoms of cancer, then there is nothing to worry about.

Tumor means but not cancer. People's awareness about health is increasing day by day and fear of various diseases is being added. Nowadays, many people become anxious thinking that cancer is a small tumor. Many times the doctor does not want to cut the fear even after explaining. Because we don't have any basic idea about the tumor or cancer, even after many tests, the fear remains, is the report correct? So. Learn some basic facts about a tumor or cancer.

Causes of cancer

The exact cause of cancer is not yet known, but there are many different types of cancer that can be caused. Our changing lifestyles are largely responsible for the rise in cancer. High-calorie foods, such as fast foods and low-fiber foods, increase the risk of cancer. Obesity is on the rise among older people and even children due to excessive sweet foods. It is also a major cause of cancer. In addition, smoking and consumption of various tobacco products and environmental pollution are especially responsible for the increase in cancer.

Which cancers are most commonly observed?

Cancer of the mouth and lungs in boys and these are mainly due to smoking and other tobacco products. On the other hand, breast cancer and cervical cancer are most common in women. The incidence of gallbladder cancer is also on the rise.

Are there any specific symptoms of cancer?

No, no specific symptoms of cancer can be specified. Like other common diseases, fever, weakness, cough, weight loss, loss of appetite, etc. can occur. If these do not get better in a few days, then be careful and see a doctor urgently.

Symptoms of cancer?

The sum of all diseases related to uncontrolled cell division is known as cancer. The mortality rate from this disease is much higher than other diseases. The number of cancer patients with this disease is constantly increasing.

Typically, one in four cancer patients dies. Seven things are commonly called cancer risk signals. Such as - whooping cough, broken voice, not soaking the wound easily, if there is a lump or lump in the breast or anywhere on the body, if the defecation habits change, if there is any difficulty in swallowing or difficulty in digestion, if there is any subtle change in sesame or achilles. If these seven danger signs are widely disseminated to the general public, it is possible to take effective measures to prevent cancer at an early stage. It is possible to eradicate most of the cancers through treatment at an early stage but due to the fact that the cancer is not easily detected, the mortality rate is much higher. However, if you have a good knowledge about cancer and a little awareness, you can survive cancer.

Fever and cough for a long time

We are all more or less affected by seasonal changes or various viral fevers. But if you have a long-term fever and cough with fever, you must go to the doctor. Frequent fever should not be neglected in any way. Symptoms of cough, blood cancer, lymphoma or leukemia with long-term fever and fever. In this case it is necessary to see a doctor very soon.


Blood with a cough may actually be a sign of lung cancer. Blood in the urine or stool can cause bladder cancer. In women, bleeding from the breast can be a sign of breast cancer. Excessive bleeding during menstruation in women or bleeding at any time other than menstrual period is also a sign of cancer. If these symptoms are observed, it is necessary to seek medical help immediately.

Loss of appetite and weight loss

Many times our interest in food decreases i.e. hunger occurs. But in most cases we do not take it seriously. And if we lose weight at this time, we do not have it very naturally. Loss of appetite and weight loss are both symptoms of cancer. So if you have anorexia and weight loss in the long run, you must see a doctor very soon.

If you feel extra pain in the body:

Colds or overwork can often cause pain in different parts of our body. But if you feel pain in different parts of the body for a long time, it can be a sign of cancer. Excessive headaches can be a sign of brain cancer.

Tired of a little hard work

It is very normal to get tired after working hard or at the end of the day. But it can be a sign of cancer if you get tired with too little work or too soon, or if you become weak with too little work.

Any change in the skin

If there are small pimples on the skin, if there is any change in the color of the skin or if there is a wound-like lesion on any part of the body for no reason, it can be a sign of skin cancer. Also, if the wound in any part of the body does not heal easily or if it feels like a hard wheel in any part of the body, it can also be a sign of cancer.

Screening for cancer diagnosis

A medical examination of a healthy person who has not shown any signs of cancer but is at risk of developing cancer is called screening. Body examination is a very important factor in diagnosing cancer. Screening can be used to diagnose pre-existing cancer, and early detection of cancer can make the treatment much easier.

Early stage cancer can be detected in two ways. The cancer stays in the cells at different stages and over time the symptoms of cancer are detected. But the change in the cell starts long ago. The symptoms were caught much later.

According to the World Health Organization, developing countries generally have a higher risk of all three types of cancer. The first is cancer of the oral cavity, the second is breast cancer and the third is cervical cancer. Therefore, careful screening can be done in these cases.

Oral screening:

Oral screening should be done by all men and women after a certain age. Apart from doctors, general health workers can also diagnose this disease. Oral cancer can be easily diagnosed by learning three things. If there is a red spot on the mucous membrane inside the mouth cavity, a white crusty coating or a small lesion on the underside of the mucous membrane, then the person has cancer in the oral cavity. These issues will be referred to a specialist doctor after the health worker diagnoses them. If there is no improvement or change within two weeks of the onset of symptoms even after taking the usual treatment, a specialist should be consulted immediately.

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

Peptest test is done to diagnose cervical cancer. The cervix is ​​seen with the speculum lying on the patient. A spatula, which looks like a spoonful of ice cream, is rotated around the uterus and brought to a boil. This cos is examined under a microscope to see if there is cancer. This method is somewhat expensive. So another method has become quite common for poor countries, which is known as Vaya (Visual Inspection by Acidic Acid). The test is performed with a cotton swab. The suppository is soaked in acidic acid and the suppository is touched by opening the cervix. Vaya is positive if the color changes and Vaya is negative if there is no change. However, Vaya means positive but not cancer. On the other hand, Vaya negative means but not free from cancer.

Breast Cancer Screening:

There is a lot of talk about breast cancer screening. The most important thing in case of breast cancer is that the patient has to check his own breast. If you notice any abnormality in the test then go to the doctor. Another is to be examined by a health worker or doctor. He will go to the doctor when he suspects that he is having a problem. Then a mammogram may have to be done with the advice of a doctor. Ultrasonogram may be an alternative to mammogram. In many places mammograms are not available, where ultrasonograms can be done. Even if the doctor suspects that there is cancer, FN AC can be done. FN AC is Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. In this test, a thin needle is inserted into the tumor and the cos is brought in with a syringe. Then make a slide and examine it under a microscope to find out if you have cancer.

Blood cancer

Blood cancer which in medical terms leukemia is cancer of the blood or bone marrow. This causes abnormal growth and division of white blood cells. It is not possible to detect specific symptoms of blood cancer. Even if a person is perfectly healthy, he may suddenly be diagnosed with blood cancer. That is, in most cases the patient himself does not realize how serious a disease he is suffering from. Some of the symptoms of blood cancer are frequent fever (this is the most common), heavy sweating at night, extreme weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss, swollen gums or bleeding from eating, excessive bleeding from small cuts, nervous symptoms (headache), Swollen liver and spleen, small discharge, infection, bone pain, joint pain, swollen tonsils, etc.

There is no specific cause for leukemia. Different causes can cause different leukemia, possible causes are natural or artificial ion radiation, certain chemicals, some viruses, genetic which is congenital.

Some tests are done to make sure you have blood cancer or leukemia. Such as- blood cell test and biopsy or bone marrow test.

The treatment of blood cancer or leukemia depends on the age of the patient, the type of cancer, whether the cancer has spread, etc. Medical procedures include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, and more. Blood cancer or leukemia can be completely cured if caught early, but it is not easy, because it is almost impossible to catch cancer early. In most cases the patient does not realize that he is suffering from a serious disease.

Brain cancer

Brain cancer, also known as intracranial tumor, is caused by abnormal cell division in the skull cavity. These cancers can be caused by malignant tumors in different cells of the brain, skull, carotid nerve, pituitary gland and other metastasis brain tumors. The presence of bone in the carotid cavity greatly increases intracranial pressure due to brain tumors and can result in symptoms such as headache, blurred vision, and vomiting. The location and type of tumor varies with age.

Death can be avoided if the case is detected by screening at an early stage of cancer. When the symptoms of cancer are manifested, it is still possible to get good results with treatment.

There are usually six things that are called cancer risk signals. Such as: whooping cough, broken voice, if the wound does not dry easily, if there is any lump or lump in the breast or body, change in bowel movements, difficulty in swallowing or difficulty in digestion, any slight change in sesame or achilles.

If these 7 danger signs are widely disseminated to the general public, it may be possible to prevent cancer long ago.

Thanks for reading

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago


Thank u so much for sharing this article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A medical examination of a healthy person who has not shown any signs of cancer but is at risk of developing cancer is called screening. Body examination is a very important factor in diagnosing cancer. Screening can be used to diagnose pre-existing cancer, and early detection of cancer can make the treatment much easier.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article.cancer is danger point of any parson....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for commenting

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cancer is danger point of any person..... Blood cancer, Brain cancer is very Common issue in human

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading my post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cancer is a type of malignant tumor. Therefore, if the behavior of the tumor or tumor in the body is not characteristic of the malignant tumor or if the patient has none of the other symptoms of cancer, then there is nothing to worry about.thanks for sharing this topics.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading and commenting

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Typically, one in four cancer patients dies. Seven things are commonly called cancer risk signals. Such as - whooping cough, broken voice, not soaking the wound easily, if there is a lump or lump in the

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very important article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cancer is a serious problem in our world.. Many kinds of cancer.. It's harmful of our health

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative and important article. Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thankfully our country now has psychologist doctors from different countries. In fact, many of us are scared of cancer. There is no reason to be afraid of doctors. In fact if we are not aware of ourselves then we will also benefit. Thank you for writing such a relationship

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3 years ago