Sleep rules
sleep is very important for us. Sleep relieves us of fatigue.But you know everything has a right rule. Let's try to know something about it.
Do you know when you fall asleep? When is the best time to sleep at night or at what time of the day? How much wellness you give will tell you how much sleep you get during the day. Because sleep is an essential part of our lives. People who sleep late at night and wake up late are more likely to get sick. Doctors have been coming up with this information for a long time.
Now the question is what is the ideal time to sleep to stay healthy? And how long or we have to sleep?Researchers say that a study of 153 research reports from around the world found that sleep deprivation was linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity.
Studies have shown that a few consecutive nights of sleep deprivation increases the risk of diabetes. Prolonged insomnia results in lower blood glucose levels and reduced body clock performance. According to a study conducted in Britain, it is beneficial for you to sleep between ten and eleven o'clock at night. The study was published in the European Journal of Health About 88,000 people aged 43 to 79 in Britain took part. The study found that those who went to bed between ten and eleven at night had a much lower risk of heart disease, while those who went to bed after eleven had a higher risk of developing the disease. Why sleeping late can cause heart problems? No exact answer was found. However, it is believed that the body clock has changed Cardiovascular problems can occur, but research suggests that the ideal time for 10 to 11 pm may not be the same for everyone. People who sleep less are referred to as those who sleep less than 6 hours a night, while those who sleep more are referred to as those who sleep more than 9 or 10 hours.
There are many people who do not get more than one to two hours of sleep at night. Scientists say this can lead to poor health. 90% of those who have developed the habit of waking up at night suffer from various mental disorders. There is a 30% increased risk of developing diabetes, as well as increased risk of developing intestinal diseases ranging from neurological problems. One last thing, never neglect sleep, you must sleep seven to eight hours a day. And sleep means peace sleep. Just lying down will not solve this problem.
thanks you for reading.
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I had read somewhere that for our body 6 hours are enough for the body to take rest.