Harvesting season in Bangladesh.
What's up dear read cash family? Everything going well? I hope so. So, I was searching for a topic to discuss. But, you know sometimes our mind goes completely blank. I was unable to find a particular one. I was looking at the window. Far away, there is a beautiful land. Green paddy fields there. The new corns are there. New hopes of farmers are there. And that's how I got my today's topic. I will discuss about an unsung festival of my country. It will be held after a month & half. Every farmer & his family is getting ready for it. So today's topic is about harvesting the new crops and other works after it.
Harvesting season in Bangladesh.
So basically there are three seasons in Bangladesh to harvest paddy. They are the summer harvesting, the rain harvesting and the winter harvesting.
So here, right now it's going the winter harvesting. The farmers sowed the seeds 3 months early from now. After taking much care of their seeds, they planted it in the fields and water well. In winter season this crops needs much fertilizer, much water as well as much care. People around here remain busy in take caring of their hard works as their families income are highly dependent on it. The season of dryish nature is the problem issue. Besides this the untimely rain may harm them a lot. Farmers pray to the Almighty to have some mercy. Thus the days passes and after 3 months of hard working, this paddy crops grows up and the meantime come to harvest the crops. The feel so happy for this.
Unemployment problems get minimal numbers as more people get involved in harvesting crops. On the exact day, they wake up early in the morning. The let their cattles to have more food as they will be busy whole day. The reach at their fields early and start cutting. This continues till noon. They sing songs loudly in happiness. This is their glorious achievement. But the story does not ends here. More works to do.
Now there is a tactics. After cutting this paddy the farmers do not take them to home. The farmers cut down the paddy crops and spread them on the cutting edge of paddy. They do so because they want the paddy stocks to be dried. With the heat of sun and smooth breeze the paddy stalk dry. This helps the farmers a lot. They can carry more paddy stalks at once. They can easily bring them home together.
It looks very joys and enjoyable to them. The farmers sing songs happily and carried them to their home. After that their wife, children and cousins help to dispatch paddy from the stocks.
Sometimes they use machines. Sometimes they use their cows and sometimes they himself work hard to dispatch paddy.
When it comes the next important thing.
After dispatching paddy from the stalks they needed to be wet underwater for sometime. After that they are placed in a big square pot where they are boiled for a particular time. Then they are soaked and again they are dried in the sun. It needs 3 days to make the paddy convert in perfect rice grain. Then the farmers save the rice grain for their yearly stock and sale the rest in the market. With the money they buy their food, clothes and other things. And prepare themselves for the next sowing seeds moments.
It's a festive culture that it is traditionally observed throughout the winter harvesting time all over the country. This harvesting tradition go along with the whole subcontinent. Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand this 4 country’s farmers traditionally observe days of harvesting festival.
And as soon as this paddy is harvested, the festive mood begins. Halkhata starts all around.It is not possible to express happiness with a smile or express it in pen. This happiness is like a genuine happiness.And then if you look at the field of Bengal, you will think I am in another world.The fields of Bengal are filled with golden crops.
I think it's wonderful to witness people harvesting. The smell of the newly cut harvest definitely is sweet and the smile of the people happy with the fruit of their labor.