Mature by Mind, Playful by Heart

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Child, Maturity, Thoughts

Good evening dreamers!! How's your day? Even you've encountered a tight schedule and routine for the whole day, I hope you still find some time to rest. Don't forget to take good care to your health okay, physically and mentally.

At your age right now, did you considered yourself as a fully grown up adult or you still feel like a kid wandering in this world? Me? I am mixed of that two, I am fully aware that I am already an adult but there's still part on me that treat myself as a kid. Most of the time I act as a responsible adult especially in decision making but when it terms to some random things, you will see me as a playful one.

"Mature by Mind, Playful by Heart". That's literally me. Some of the people around me always commend me and said that my maturity level is already like a 50 years old even though I'm only at my 20s. They admire me when it comes on deciding specifically on handling money. In fact, some adults older than me asked advices to me about some things and I happy to share to them what I the best solution I think. On the other hand, I am just like them. I tend to commit mistakes and I always seek for someone's advice or opinion. But of course, I didn't follow all of it since I also weigh if it can really help me to solve the problems. I also believe that maturity is not proportional to age, you can be mature even you are too young. Admit it or not but sometimes a 8 year-old kid is much mature than us. Maybe they became mature because of the experiences they had in their life. We became mature in action, in knowledge and wisdom as we walk on this life. We turns to be responsible enough because life mandates us to be one.

Oh well, I am also fully aware that I am still a kid by heart. I still enjoy those little things like going in the playground or seeing a lights everywhere. I don't know if it is just me but everytime I see a kids playing outdoor games, there's a part of me who wants to join them and play around. Kids are one of the coolest in this world. But at the end, I only choose to happily watched them. I think it is normal to have that kid part in you or maybe I am only the one thinking that. They said that we should not let the child kill inside of us. Never let your age extinguish your inner child. And I believe that I stick to that saying because I am still too playful. I am still a kid who enjoy life adventures, wants to connect to people and have always a good energy.

I act base on the scenario or upon a situation. If I know that it is a serious matter, of course my mature mind will be the one who acts but if I know that I can be a childish somehow, I become one. In some instant, it is really okay to be a kid at heart sometimes, to have fun and you enjoy life. I'm happy to say that the kid inside of me is still ageless.

I guess that's for tonight's blog . Thank you always for visiting and reading my articles. Have a great night ahead!!

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Child, Maturity, Thoughts


right here, can't really say I'm a fully grown up adult 'cause I don't see myself yet haha but I salute you for being so good at advising others and in handling things

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I admire you for being mature for your age. I am a late bloomer actually so, being mature was a challenge for me back before. Probably because I have not seen the real world before.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

nako i feel like me too, mature when it comes to relationships but a playful kid most of the time. As in galawgalaw talaga literal.

$ 0.01
1 year ago