If there's only an Opportunity, no one needs to Leave us

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2 years ago

Good evening dreamers!! How's everyone here? I guess most of us is stressed and try to cope up with hectic schedule for the week. It's another week again that we need to survive, but I do hope that you can still able to make some rest. Prioritize your health not only physically but also mentally. I know that work is important but it must be great if we can also have some light workout exercise so we can gain a bit of energy to face the day.

Honestly even if I only leave the province a day ago, I feel like homesick because I already miss the place and most especially my family. I'm not in the mood to eat or to move from my bed since I cried last night. Am I overacting or overdramatic with it? I know that I'm just 4 hours away from my family but I'm just sad because I'm still not sure if when I will meet them again. I can't give them an exact date when they asked me when I will come back there. Yeah I have my Aunts and sister here in Manila but you know what, I can't deny that there's missing when I woke up earlier. Maybe I'm just used to wake up with the greet of my Mom. I can't understand myself either because I should used to it. In fact, I already live here for 4 years but after I have my 3 weeks vacation there, it seems that I don't want to leave there. Maybe, I just missed them so much because I only see them after a long pandemic era. Then some realizations slaps me now. If I am so sad like this because of that, what more those OFW who choose to leave our country just to support their family. I know for sure that they also experience homesick not only for days but maybe for months and year. When they left, I believe that there's also a side that they want to back out but they don't have a choice. If there's only an opportunity near them, I know that they will not choose to leave their family.

I really admire those OFW but now, my respect and admiration to them is getting higher because their sacrifices is exceptional. I know that sometimes they really want to visit their family but they choose not to loose their contract because they need some money for their kids. And what's worst, sometimes they are so sad because they can take care other child while being away from their own child. They have no time on their own family. They don't have a choice because there's no opportunity on our own country. Maybe there is but the standard and job qualifications is so high. They cried every night because they really miss their family, good thing that now, there's a social media that can help them to contact each other at least. But sometimes homesick hits them so hard especially when there's a special occasion like birthdays and graduation of their kids. And the sadness double up when their kids sometimes ignore their sacrifices because they can't fully understand the situation. We can't blame the kids too because they only want their Papa/Mamas physical presence. They seek for care and attention to them. But their parents have no choice because there's lack of opportunities here.

If there's only an opportunity, no one needs to leave us. Maybe, the family is happily bond together. But it's not the common scenario here especially that the salaries here is not enough to support the family and now that the prices of goods is increasing. People need to found a job that can sustain the needs of the whole family and sad to admit that, sometimes they can found the opportunity on the other country instead here in our own place. So sad that there's another family who will be separated for two-three years or sometimes, more than decade. Even it is still not happening yet, I suddenly became sad when my sister told that she plans to go abroad this year or next year. Actually, I really don't her to leave because I know that my Mom will be sad again. Before,my brother also try the opportunity there but he choose to go back after our father passed away. And now another member will be away again soon. But I still support her if she knows that good opportunity is there. I just hope that she will become successful in the new path she choose to walk in.

Kudos to the OFWs and to those who choose to work faraway from their family just to support their family. A warmest virtual to all of you. I hope that you will meet your love ones soon again. Take care always because there's a family who's waiting for you to come back🧡


Thank you so much dreamers for your endless support to me eve though that my article is so random nowadays but still, you are there with me. To my awesome sponsors, commenters and readers, Thank you so much. Your presence is one of my motivation to continue my journey here. Hope that we can still interact in the next years. Have a great sleep tonight 🤗🧡

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Written by
2 years ago


Ang hirap din talaga mapalayo sa mga taong napasanay kana, legit mamimiss mo yung lugar where you usually na mapuntahan lalo na sa bahay and most esp. yung mga tao na iiwan mo.peru gradually maging OK din namn peru yan nga at first malulungkot talaga muna

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being the provider or the only hope of the family someone needs to sacrifice for the family's benefit. I was once an ofw too and I can say that it is very hard to be away from loved ones and be with foreigners in a foreign land.

$ 0.00
2 years ago