Coming back on read cash :

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Written by
1 year ago

I was off from read cash and i was in much stressed phase. I was just living at my home and I have nothing to do at my home so for time pass I just called to my friend because he was in read cash so that i can earn something also also I want to earn something so he is suggested me to join read cash but I was reluctant because I could not write much but he was saying that you have to be consistent on read cash only then you can get a good amount from rusty. He was pushing me to join read cash and then i joined because I want to made him happy. But after writing some of the articles i just stopped doing work here due to no proper attention of the readers.

No proper attention of readers :-

Readers were not showing attention to me and it was demotivating for me . We all know that the kind words of other people really play a vital role in motivatong a person and when you do not receive any kind of appriciation from other people. There is thinking which comes in your mind that you want to leave this work because there is no one who is noticing your work. I was not doing work for earning money i was writing just for my own happiness and i want improvement in my learning and improvement only can be seen if other people provides me proper guidelines. So when i wrote some articles then there was no one who was noticing my work. I even called to my friend and i mentioned him that my account is not going well then he said that keep on doing work one day you will be noticed by everyone. But it was enough for me i do not want to do more here . then i just left read cash.

Engagement with people matters a lot:

Now my friend came back from his university and i was fighting with him that your ideas was not working he was saying that you should be consist. I mentioned him that i tried everything but it was not working then he suggested me that you should engage with other people . then i got to know that where i was wrong. This was the key on which i should work i should work om engaging with people and should increase my interaction with people it would be effective for me. On read cash there are users from the whole world they are sharing their experience and then i start liking read cash . when i was a newbie it was a kind of strange thing for me and i was taking it as a joke that there is nothing but now when my friend came to me and he mentioned me his work i was surprised that if he can do then obviously i can also do good. He really motivates me a lot.

I really wanna thank him for his kindness he is truly a geniune person i met ever he always guided me in every aspect of field and his behaviour is so good with me . i never mentioned him that he is such a pure soul i will be always thankful to him. There is no one like him. Even now i am applying in universities and hw is helping me out in every possible way he is more like a brother to me .

One more thing i wanna say thar from now i will try to remain active on read cash because now i have learned the basic of read cash . Obviously it would be difficult for me to stay active but I will try my best to write on daily basis and I think it would be challenge for me.

Read caah is like an opportunity for us so we should avail full of it because these days we have so much competition of websites so read cash itself is providing us a space to write .

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Avatar for Mawa
Written by
1 year ago


So I welcome you back on read cash I hope that now you have understood all the things about read cash 🙌 bravo !

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am happy that you came back on read cash I know I would be difficult for you but you have to cope up

$ 0.00
1 year ago


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1 year ago