Ethical and Moral Crisis in Venezuela

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Avatar for Mavipevi
3 years ago

Today I decided to touch this delicate subject but it is a reality in my country, where I still survive and believe me it is not exaggeration, without wanting to generate sympathy, because thank God I do not need it, I tell you that really these wonderful projects of and noise. cash are saving my life and that of my family -God bless all his projects to theses wonderful humans being-, because in my case the BCH, that they so kindly give me here, a part of that income I save and the other part, through a series of steps in a platform (blocked in my country for political reasons, but I use VPN for this), I manage to convert to local currency on a weekly basis to cover my husband's living and medical expenses, which he cannot lack due to his condition as a patient with cerebral infarction, diabetes and hypertension, health reasons that made him unable to work about five years ago and I am currently facing this situation.

In this regard I must clarify that I am not looking for pity or compassion because fortunately  God has given me patience, understanding and wisdom to help my life partner at this time and give an example to my children that infinite sources of income are available only that we must act in an honest and transparent way to open those sources, in addition to showing them the importance of love, family, service and solidarity.

I make this preamble of my case not to complain, but on the contrary, to thank how fortunate we are all in my family to have: life, intelligence, technology to access information, wallets, web pages and the world of cryptocurrencies, unlike a large percentage of the population of my country is suffering because the monthly salary is $ 3.5 and to cover the minimum basic food basket is needed about $ 500 for a family of 5 people, as in my case.

I must tell you that I am a graduate of one of the best universities in the country, with three professions, retired or retired, but the one that has given me the most satisfaction and has allowed me to observe and analyze human behavior, in addition to educating and telling my students about values and ethics, it has been teaching at university level, which I exercised until 2012, I then retired from working life as a wage earner to look for other income alternatives independently and to deal with the situation described above.

During the time that I exercised I observed so many good and bad things in those young people who passed through my chair, that although it was not related to ethics and morals, nor formation of citizens, I tried to give them a speech about it because these young people, not all, come with problems of values from the heart of their home, and because in them a formation prevails where he is taught that being rich is good, no matter how you obtain that wealth, where being honest and peaceful is synonymous with dumb and you can’t be like that if you want to survive in this hostile environment that society has become.

Sadly, I must say that many of these poorly educated young people today hold positions and positions that they hold for profit, that they forget that their actions affect the environment, however, this does not seem to worry individuals. Others have not had the "luck" of belonging to the social group that in my country we call "plugged in" and their income comes from "bonuses" tiny that the government "gives" to the most unprotected social class, without doing any trade to earn that, simply by being sheep and affections to a government that suits them to keep them poor and make them believe that it is their "savior".

It is certainly known and understood that the lack of values destroys the conduct of the human being, giving rise to dishonesty and mediocrity and that it is necessary to achieve a society where men can consolidate as habits, ethical and moral principles, in such a way that they become part of their character and way of life, in order to fulfil their commitment to morality.

Currently in Venezuela society does not value these ethical and moral principles so necessary for the growth and development of a nation, has already lost even the value of love of neighbor, honesty, and on the contrary is exalted and even applauded the "so-called Creole viveza", he even looks like a successful person or a superhero to the one who gets rich overnight, no matter whether the way that fortune was suddenly acquired is the product of honest work and business or whether that money is "dirty" by its origin.

Currently in Venezuela society does not value these ethical and moral principles so necessary for the growth and development of a nation, has already lost even the value of love of neighbor, honesty, and on the contrary is exalted and even applauded the "so-called Creole viveza", he even looks like a successful person or a superhero to the one who gets rich overnight, no matter whether the way that fortune was suddenly acquired is the product of honest work and business or whether that money is "dirty" by its origin.

To conclude this article I can sadly state that Venezuela is immersed in this economic crisis, political and social for so much corruption and lack of government but also because as a society we have lost values and by seeing or witnessing dishonest and improper acts we look the other way instead of denouncing and not being complicit in the many crimes that are committed today. Without a doubt that if we do not change our way of being and acting no matter who governs us whether democracy, socialism or communism, we will remain immersed in immense poverty because we do not care to eat each other, as cannibals, as long as we are preserving our life and social status.

For that reason, we must re-educate, teach that we must defend our rights but encourage tolerance and reconciliation, try to minimize differences as well as lack of humanity, teach our children, grandchildren and other family and friends, the importance of honesty, service, love of neighbor and above all the beauty of working all aspects of our life with ethics and morals.



$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Mavipevi
3 years ago
