Amazement in Love

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3 years ago

Love has something special to do with our lives. It changes our beliefs and perception. Isn't it amazing how we are changed by love. As a person with experience on cheating, we gain trust issues when someone new comes into our lives, confusing how we again give our heart and trust again. Well I think it's because love is romantically a happy place for our heart. You know what is fun in being in love? It's how you and your partner be open with each other and be together with strength despite of all the challenges you're facing. As those problems are solved, it's the most relieving part of a relationship. Because you and your partner passed another problem on where both of you had put an effort to save each other and that's what makes a strong bond between the both of you.

As time pass by, you'll see another wonderful thing about love, and that is when you both have respect with each other. You give each other privacy. As you are both enhanced, you'll see that you are both growing, and that is the best and it is worth to watch.

So you see, a romantic love life isn't just watched on televisions or in social medias. You can have it in your own version. You just got to love the right one. Always remember that when you're loving a person you must be sincere and pure. And for those who are heart broken, always remember that you're special and everything happens for a reason. Sometimes you just have to open your eyes and see who's really there for you and appreciated you the most.


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Lovely one

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User's avatar Win
3 years ago

Very nice article, love is indeed a powerful thing.i noted something from ur context which is "it's funny how we reopen our hearts to love again" it is indeed funny.

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3 years ago