Things I Do To Keep My Anxiety Away

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3 years ago

I just want to share one of the things that I do whenever I am feeling anxious, espescially when I am piled up with lots of things to do. Like often, I procrastinate. I do really hate that word ever since I discovered it but glad that I'm not the only one and it seems that everyone is trying to beat it.

You know the feeling you wanted to be productive but procrastination was there to stop you from all your goals and motivation. Such a killer of productivity.

I have discovered that when I woke up without having schedules about what to do makes me just left hanging all day. I will always be like what should I do now until the day was over and there the anxiety comes. I am getting anxious about meeting schedules and often blame myself for being too confident enough of not caring about the time.

So here are the few things that I do whenever I am feeling discouraged because of my anxiety.

I Listened to My Favorite Songs.

I read a lot about how healing music is. So before I start doing something a day, I first listened to my favorite songs. I find it very helpful in being productive because you are left with a good mindset, perspectives and goals. I realized that when you start a day with a heavy thought and mind you will end up building a lot of anxieties. So all in all, I find music healing and beneficial. You can organized your playlist from the time you wake up until the time you fell asleep. Start a good day routine by your favorite playlist!

I Make A List of The Things I do

I am a forgetful person. I tend to forget the things I need to do so and I will just be wasting my time in my cellphone and then I will regret later that I had wasted those few minutes and seconds of my life. A planner is really helpful so I organized them in my notes so that I will know where to start and where to finished. At least you will know that you have done the important thing in a day and you will sleep with no worries about what you missed.

My Cats Are My Motivation

Do you have lovely pets? Make them as your happy thoughts and motivation. I do that everyday. I hugged my cat and then I pinched its cheek. Honestly, I find my cats stress relieving to all the anxieties. Like they just dont do anything a day but just sleep and eat. Yeah a typical cat life. Sometimes my cat sits on my laps and I find it very cute. Really, it's a big joy for me already to have my cats being sweet to me.

I Take The Time To Pray

I am not a very religious person but doesn't mean I don't believe in God. Of course I do and I take the time to pray. They say prayers are the best healing and you just have to build patience. When you are feeling down, don't hesitate to pray and open up everything to God. I am not a very religious person but I pray.

So whatever makes you comfortable just go with it. When you don't take actions about being anxious it will only become worse so it is better to find things that will distract you from your anxiety. Something that can give you joyx, excitement and calm. Do not let yourself drained by the negativities you are feeling. May this piece of advice that I have written help you become productive throughout the day. Since we are all different in our own ways, what might be working to me won't work to you. But it doesn't matter, what matter is that you keep yourself in a proper mental balance. It is essential and important to keep going espescially when you have lot of goals, do not let anxiety ruin it for you. Just No. Stand up and build something that can distract you from that anxiety.

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Avatar for Mathilde
3 years ago


I'm also having a battle with my procrastination haha

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3 years ago