If you think you are a player, damn you, I'm your coach.

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2 years ago

I never want to Fall in Love but he made me to, and break my heart into pieces.

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I was the kind of girl who doesn't believe there's true Love, I could never fall for any guy who approaches me, rather I will always blatter them with words they will never forget in their lifetime, though I'm not a rude fellow, I hate to hear some speech like " I Love you".

I started living my life without a boy lover, not until one faithful day, as I was in a shopping mall looking for the cloth I will put on to the party of a friend, I'm looking for cloth that is black in color with some white dot on it, that's my favorite color anyway. In the process, I was suddenly jammed by a guy and my wallet fell, but he immediately picked it up with an apology, saying " oh! I'm sorry" I said, " it's okay, no problem". And I went straight to pay my money, but unfortunately, when I got there, they told me "my bill has been paid by that man" pointing a finger to show me the guy, I was devastated, it was the same guy that jammed me. I left the mall with the thought of who this guy might be.

On the fourth day as I was taking a walk along my street, I sighted the guy, I called him" hey you guy " I stopped him, and he quickly recognize me, and I appreciate him for what he did. So we started talking along the way, which I get to know that his name was Tony, we both exchange our phone Digit.

We started calling each other, and I think I Fall in Love with Tony, a day could not pass without calling each other. Just to cut the whole Story short, Tony proposed to me, but not married yet.

As days go on I started noticing certain things about him, he would never allow me to know the password to his phone, after all, he said he love and can do anything for me, but his phone password is an exceptional, which makes me think what might be the reason for that?, though I never questioned him for that. Not until one certain day I saw a message that pimped in his phone, I decided to check, because he was not there with his phone, he stored it with "my baby" that prompt me to check it " when are you coming, because...." , That was what saw on the phone screen, I was unable to read the full content, all because the phone it was locked, I was so furious to know the person, and immediately he came back I asked him " who is my baby you stored on your phone" and he said, " oh! Is that why you're are shouting at me, well she's just my baby sister" he picked up his phone and left.

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I was still not convinced with the answer he gave to me, I just thought of what to do, then an idea stuck into my head Because I was too wise to be cheated.

One day told him I will be traveling to meet my parents, and I will be spending a week with them, with the look on his face, he was very happy with it, he was never aware of my plan. Early in the morning the next day, I got prepared for the trip and he followed me to the park where i will board a bus, and after that, we kissed and bid each other goodbye.

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Immediately he left I came down from the bus and went straight to my friend's house, she was devastated when she saw me, and I explained my plans to him.

On the third day when of staying with my friend, I decided to go back to Tony house, so lucky when I got there, the door was not looked, I just went straight inside, behold 😱, I was very shocked with what I saw, I saw him with another girl, they were romancing each other, they were not aware I was there not until I clapped my hands, and they both jumped up with fear, and I said " oh you think I'm a fool?, I never traveled , because I knew something like this will happen , if you think you are a player, damn you, I'm your coach, you made me fall in Love and you turn my heart into pieces" he was trying to say a word, immediately I gave him the slap he deserve just to shut him up from saying nothing, I left the place with an heavy eyes.

Tony has been calling me to ask for forgiveness , but I never listened to him , if you are the one will you ever go back to him?

will love to love to see your reply in the comment section.

Thanks for your Time


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2 years ago


Infidelity is not an extension of love. It is an extermination of love. You acted on your guts and caught him. Does that mean he won't be sorry if you weren't out of the shade? Such craftiness deserves the slap you blessed him with. I feel you should move on. Love is a coin of two sides that shares EQUAL SHARES.

It was an amazing read. Keep flooding my mind with stories that fills the heart. Thank you very much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The relationship is over already. Going back to him will only lead to more heartbreak.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm, I already knew this is how it will end. When someone is cheating in a relationship, the signs are always there but sometimes we ignore it because the truth might be too much to handle

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That’s just wicked of him to play a game like that, what a wicked world we live in.. right from the start I knew something really bad will happen as I kept reading… I wish I could deeply highlight a lot but it’s so well explained and written

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very heartless man, and some men are like Tony, he proclaims that he love her and would do anything for her, but why will he go ahead to bring in another women when she's not around, Tony is such a bitch. I think she has loose her forever...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He definitely had it coming, why would he commit to someone and then go ahead and destroy it, what's the issue with guys?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's how some people will be. The issue with guys?? I think they are not always contented with what is in their abode, they want to have all the girls to themselves, but definitely Tony met with someone he cannot fool... Good for him though....lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice haha. But is this fiction or real? Boys really think they can fool all girls.. Unfortunately, Tony found his match that he can't fool. Lol..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's a fictional story, not real, but I just wish all those cheater will be dealt with just like a Tony, I don't what they gain in toying with someone feelings.

Hahahaha, yeah, he met his match, he will forever remember her for that slap, he gave him the lesson of his life.🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, Tony deserve a slap. What an unfaithful creature! Good thing she's an empowered woman. She could've slapped the girl as well tho. Beware of cheaters!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Errrrrrrr, slapping the girl back will be a chaos , the girl is innocent , she might not be aware that Tony is in relationship , but Tony deserve more than a slap... Let the girl be spare 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is heartbreaking. I hate Tony! Don't you ever send any reply to him. I am mad at him! He's a cheater! Haha I hate cheaters!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehehe 😆, funny you, indeed he's a cheater, if I did not reply him , will that be the best thing to do? Now in a confuse state, will second chance work out just like princessbusayo Said? I doubt if work out fine...🤔🤔

Seems I'm so mean just like you too🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go back to where? I will never go back oo but I can only forgive him. He cheated on me but I may accept him back if he feels remorseful and never to repeat such again. At least it's good to give a second chance. But you must be careful with such a guy.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

😂😂😂, you made me to laugh out ma'am with your first sentence...lol The guy feeling remorseful and going back to him??? Sounds like a difficult thing to do , If I where the one , I might not have the second thought of going back....🤷

Well, in one note , if I want to accept him back, he will promise me he will not do that, and if he ever does that, I should brake his Head....🤣🤣🤣 (Impossible mission) if he wants to chest he will still cheat then I will end up doing nothing, though I will be gone forever. Though second chance is not in my dictionary, got missing anyways..🤣🤣, if he love me , he will not try anything that will hurt me, I'm gone for good 🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago