I don't care, who cares?

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Avatar for Maryjacy
3 years ago

I believe that majority of us have seen or heard about those less privileged and I will ask.... Did you ever have thought of stretching a helping hand? or did you ever have sympathy for them or did you just move on because it doesn't affect you?

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The majority dies of hunger just because no one cares about them, I don't care, you don't care, then who cares?

we have everything at our disposal to make the world heaven on earth, it does not matter if you're wealthy, but the little help you we render goes a long way, but all these deals with self-sacrifice, Sacrifice- the greatest of all, it's an article written by @Princessbusayo you can go check it as well.

No matter your closeness to God and you don't care about those people around you your closeness to him is nothing, it does not count without thinking about others. The bible says, whatsoever you give to the least of my brethren that you do unto me.

Did you feed the hungry? Did you give water to those in thirst?Did you give a home to the homeless? Did you comfort the afflicted and those in despair? Did you give hope to the hopeless?These are the question we should ask ourselves, Even when others don't care, we should take it as a responsibility, i.e The things we should do.

You eat three square meals a day and some people around you don't even have the hope of eating a square meal, it will take you nothing but a blessing to sacrifice just a square meal.

Shout out to my sponsors!

You might be thinking, I'm I also doing the same?

I'm not exaggerating, As a student, I still offer the little help I can render to people around me, I don't mind sacrificing my meal because I know that I can't die if I deprive myself of it, God that provides will always provide for me. There are so many times I give out my last card because I know that person needs it more than I do, then I will be like " oh God! I'm stranded now, what will I do?", miraculously, I will be surprised in a big way by getting more than what I give out, that's just the truth about giving to others who you think they need it, don't wait till they come rolling on the floor to beg, this might look like a difficult thing to do. However there are some cases where you'll wish to help, and you feel hurt because you don't have it, it's okay, God knows and sees your deepest heart.

show care to others when you can, curb the I don't care attitude, don't move on just because you think it's none of your business, of course, it is. the help you render today will surely speak for you tomorrow. You may also benefit by doing something for someone else..

A great caring person can change the world, don't be too busy to think about the welfare of others, caring give life its deepest significance, the capacity to care makes the world a better place, you can be the world to one person with your capacity to care, hence, the world will be a better place for all to live.

Thanks for stopping by 

For the past two days, I've been running an online program which Makes me not be active online. And I wish I could be here,but i don't find it possible... But today ,I'm done with everything I'm doing. Much Love 😍

Sponsors of Maryjacy


$ 3.58
$ 3.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Samantha-Smith
$ 0.05 from @Esthery97
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Avatar for Maryjacy
3 years ago


This is a very nice piece. No doubt you have a heart of Gold. The holy book also said givers never lack. And as you continue to give to the less previledged, God will continue to return it to you in seven folds. By the way, I'm new hear and its a pleasure meeting someone like you.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Wow, you're welcome to this amazing platform , and I wish you a happy stay, I believe you'll enjoy everything about read.cash. we have lovely and supportive people here, it's my pleasure coming across you as well.

We should not think about ourselves alone, in all we do , we should also think about those who don't have where to lay theirs heads. Giving is just like sowing a seed and during the time of harvest, we reap what we sow in plentitude.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks so much my dear friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's what we should do, caring each other because after all, we are brothers and sisters. Let's show God's act. ❣

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Caring for one another should not be taken for granted in respective of the race.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is very true,it's good to be of help to others,when you give ,u receive back but when you hold back you can't receive anything Thanks for this write up dear

$ 0.02
3 years ago

When we let out, there's more that will come in. We should be the source of happiness to others, everything we do have it's own reward. I appreciate your contribution.

$ 0.00
3 years ago