Fear is as Dangerous as Anger

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Hey guys, what's up. Some people may see this and ask "why", not because they think it's not interesting or true but because they are afraid that it is true and may turn out to be the truth.

Sometime ago, I was discussing with someone or should I say a friend and here we were just talking and asking "why is Anger so dangerous, how is it possible to overwhelm a person to the extent whereby that person can do things drastically without even thinking through if it is the right thing to do and then comes out partially conscious and confused of his/her past actions and then also, you wonder and ask "how is it possible that fear makes you do the same drastic thinking?

Now, let me explain how this works. Anger and fear may seem and sound different but they are literally just two sides of the same piece of paper. You may feel differently when experiencing these two emotions but know this; these emotions are been controlled and enhanced by Adrenaline and this my friend, makes you act in impulse against something you are angry about or against someone that angered you and may cause you to do something really bad that you may end regretting.

On the other hand, Adrenaline makes you act on impulse about something or someone that you fear and i can tell you this my friend from experience, fear doesn't make you think straight. It creates that impatience in us that makes us make bad decisions about something or someone and there again, that may end up in regrets.

Now you see my friend, Anger and fear aren't just two words that you say and think they are different just because they sound differently. Well, some will still argue and prove with what they know and i completely encourage that because without argument, there is no way to come up with true facts but try and compare to your own experiences and fetch out the truth about Anger and fear and you'll see that they aren't ll that different, they are just two sides of the same piece of paper or you can say cut from the same cloth. Don't get me wrong, both Anger and Fear may sometimes bring about good results but they both have their consequences.

Anger and Fear are both highly Dangerous and we should try as good people not to give into them for they are not worth your happiness. Keep on encouraging yourself, relax your mind and think before making any move.

I Hope this was helpful to you. If you would like to share your thoughts about this, please leave a comment on the comment section below, hit that subscribe button and leave a like and I'll get back to you. Thanks for reading and for your support.

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$ 0.01 from @lilsoftx


Fear and Anger are two different word. Fear capitalize on weak while Anger brings out the wickedness in you.

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4 years ago