Blog: Unconditional Love?

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3 years ago
Topics: Love story

Hello, I'm Marky Daily!
I been so very busy on my Marky Story series, I didn't even post a blog on the Valentines day, for my valuable viewers and subscribers, I know all of us been inlove, sometimes It's called love but mostly it's somekind of Unconditional Love, where we don't really know what does that mean, so that here's a very short blog explaining waht is Unconditional Love.

"Love Is Not A Commercial Transaction"

If you say the words "I love you" and EXPECT a response back like "me too", it makes no difference in a commercial transaction. Giving while expecting something in return is NOT LOVE, it is bartering. This is the most wrong view of man in love, to always expect others to love as much as the love they also give. How many people will even ask "And you, do you love me?" It seems like they are still wondering if it works when they say "I love you" ..

LOVE is not about you, it is not about the welfare you get from someone, because love means "GIVING", 'giving yourself without expecting anything in return'. You do not expect anything in return, not even a few things, not even the word "thank you". If you already love someone, they will naturally give love even if you do not expect it.

LOVE is respecting a person's "freedom" and "right", you will not force him, force him, hurt him mentally or physically, or intimidate and do the things you want just to show that you love him. Love is not about you, so it is looking for happiness for the person you love and not your own happiness. That is what is called UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. You should even be happy because you see the person you love happy.

If, for example, you two are just now fighting or you have things that have not been agreed upon, that is a sign that the day will come when you will no longer be comfortable with each other but your marriage will be just hell. This is a FAKE LOVE.

True love is only to give the happiness of the beloved, for the pleasure of loving, by saying "I love you" without any expectation. We should not demand love from others but we should just give when we give, let us show them by gesture or word. Let us not force them into anything they do not like. Let's give the things where they will be happy, in other words, if you love each other you should learn to be happy together. That's a TRUE LOVE.

"I love you" these words are delicious to say for our own pleasure and for that of the other. The words ’own melody is so beautiful. It is wonderful to say it when they are close to you.

Let us show love not only to someone but also to family, friends, neighbors, or the person who is fighting you. Let us feel love for everyone, be it animals, the environment, nature, and everything, because love does not just depend on someone, but on the connection from everything.

When you learn to love things, only then will you be able to love 100% someone you meet or like unconditionally.

Belated Happy Valentine's Day!

Blog: My Blogs will be here, I thought of making this blog to make some information and also give my experience in life, I also make this as my diary, in this series, I will list my entire experience and some knowledge I know thru writing blog

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3 years ago
Topics: Love story


very nice

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