Peace be with you

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1 year ago

November 24,2022

We all place a high value on tranquility. However, there are instances when our own lifestyle decisions or mental processes get in the way of our achieving inner calm. Here are the ways of thinking that keep you from being a tranquil person if you find yourself feeling anxious, dissatisfied, restless, or tense for no apparent cause. If you believe that money and possessions will bring you happiness, then acquiring more of these things will become your life's goal.

If you believe that money and possessions will bring you happiness, then acquiring more of both will become your life's goal. Work begins to interfere with the time you would rather spend with friends and family. You find yourself more unable to enjoy life or perform in your chosen roles as successfully.

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Before I go any further, I just wanted to take a moment to show my appreciation to all of my supporters, including my sponsors, subscribers, upvoters, friends, and readers.

I count it as a great blessing that I was able to find you all; gratitude fills my heart.

You should read some of their work because they are all really good authors.

Money can help you buy pleasure and luxury when you discover that your schedule is making you miserable, but it can't make you happy. Happiness is impossible if one's thoughts are always racing. Having a lot of material possessions won't bring you any inner calm, either. Having a quiet mind is more important for happiness than indulging in worldly pleasures. Spending as much time on job and material possessions as you do on important and long-lasting social relationships is a certain way to ruin your mood.

Because of my past failures, I need to be more cautious in the future. Finding contentment may be challenging if you tend to be harsh on yourself when you err. In light of this, you could shy away from doing anything new. However, trying something new not only opens the door to exciting new experiences, but also makes you feel more accomplished and accomplished overall.

The key to success is viewing setbacks not as failures but as opportunities to grow. When you make a mistake, you have the option of punishing yourself or learning from it to help you get past it more quickly.

All the bad feelings inside of me have got to go. Mind confusion can cause unpleasant feelings like rage, stress, restlessness, and others, which the confused person may attempt desperately to suppress. You could try to mask such feelings with a phony grin. However, the consequences of your resistance might be more long-lasting than you realize.

You cannot get rid of your sentiments just because you hide them. Furthermore, the more you try to conceal them, the more power they have over you. Negative feelings can make you feel trapped, and running from them might make you feel like you're in jail. The only way to overcome unpleasant feelings is to accept them. However, techniques like meditation, mindfulness, and journaling can help you combat unpleasant feelings.

One must always press upward and upward. When you view life as a competition in which you must always make gains, it might be difficult to know when you've made enough. Moreover, while you go forward in one aspect of life, it is possible to lag behind in other parts. It's easy to lose sight of the value of a healthy equilibrium in your life. Peace, however, is impossible to achieve apart from harmony. You should put attention to both monetary achievements and social relationships in life in a balanced approach.

To go forward, I need to evaluate my previous decisions. Only by fully inhabiting the present can one discover true contentment. Finding contentment in the here and now requires a focus on the here and now. You will never be able to move on if you keep dwelling on your previous decisions.

Keeping them will do nothing to change the future. On the other hand, it's possible to lose sight of reality by dwelling too much on the possibilities that lie ahead.

True living, however, occurs only in the here and now.

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Disclaimer:All texts are mine and original, as stated. Any resemblance to other content is entirely coincidental, as is any similarity.

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1 year ago


May mga choices talaga tayo sa life my friend at depende na satin yung kung ano pipiliin natin at always isa isip natin na lagi natin pipiliin yung mga good choices.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm a work in progress. I am someone who dwell on the past more than necessary.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

"it might be difficult to know when you've made enough." grabe I'm crying :"((

$ 0.01
1 year ago