Scariest Creatures to ever Lived on Earth

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Giant Ground Sloth – a creature called “Megatherium”. Sloths maybe described as super slow in life but yes, probably they are but this one is really petrifying. Ten thousand years ago, this giant sloth lived in South America, said to weigh up to 4 tons or about a size of an elephant. Even though it is reported to be a herbal eating creature, it is still not a safe animal. Their claws and they being a giant alone is enough reason for you to run for your life.

Pterygotus – estimated to over 12 feet long. These creatures were said to live on Earth more than 400 million years ago. Most remains are still seen in Europe and North America. This kind of scorpion is scary because of its speed to attack preys and tear them apart. But probably the scariest part is that it is human sized and you can’t do anything when it shows up in front of you, maybe be run (if you are a fast runner).

Megalodon – a 40 to 70 feet long bus-sized shark. It is estimated to have eaten 2,500 pounds of food per day that includes fishes and other water creatures or maybe humans are involved too. This is probably one of the scariest creatures to ever be seen underwater. There are still reports that say that the Megalodon might be still wandering our ocean or they are not yet extinct. But some say that maybe they are already gone since there are no reported cases encountering this big shark.

Big Foot – also known as the Gigantopithecus. Fossils and such evidences proclaim that they are the largest apes to ever live. Standing at around to 3 meters to 9 feet tall, weighing as much as 540-600 kilograms, these creatures remain as mysterious as they are. Scientists are still not convinced that they are actually true. A German paleontologist was the first one to find evidence regarding the big foot. Since then, many researchers started to research about this ape and some of them said that they found parts such as teeth and jaws.

Javan Tigers – although people are claiming that these tigers have gone extinction, there are still evidences like footprints that are seen in areas. Javan tigers are actually described as good at hiding. First reported case of seeing them is in 1995 when a Javan forester saw a bunch of these tigers in a forest in Java, Indonesia. Several reports also happened in the 2000s that convinces people that they might be still alive.

Woolly Mammoth – relatively close to an Asian elephant. The only difference between them is that these mammoths are covered with thick brown hair to keep them from frigid weather. Back in the 1940s, there were cases that involved these mammoths still being alive even though they have went to extinction over ten thousand years ago. There were also videos and pictures in the internet that have circulated leading people to believe that they might still be roaming around in the world. Below is a picture from a clip of a video from the internet.

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