Never Be Controlled by 3 Things

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3 years ago

Although life sometimes forces us to do such things we thought we will never do, it is still our choice whether we do it or not. It's not always about rainbows and ponies when you have everything in life. And it is not always about bars and chains when you don't have anything to carry on.

I want to tell you about three things that let people get controlled into making decisions and pulling them backwards rather making a step forward.

First one: YOUR PAST

I admit, I made a lot of stupid mistakes and actions from my past that until now, I still can't get over with. I am having a hard time thinking what if it will haunt me when I make a new decision. What if the people I hurt back and those who hurt me will scare the death out of me? But what I learn when I started living independent for college is that having a new decision or path is a new chapter in life. You may tell your past stories but it will not ever judge what you are now. Maybe some of it will be the cause of what you are currently doing or what you are now but it is your choice to what you have become. Sometimes people can't understand the thought of change but then again, you always have to remember that you can't please people.

Second one: MONEY

I always heard the phrase of Money is just a tool. I meditated on that one and it got into me that those people say that are the ones who once failed in life because they let money control them. I was born in a not luxurious city with people who strive to put food on the table everyday. And with that in mind, I always want to excel because I know and understand how hard it is to accept that life is not always fair. A farmer's salary is not the same as a businessman even though they both struggle to make money with blood and sweat poured in them. Most people say that businessmen are wiser that's why they consume more money than farmers. But actually, farmers are having a hard time to get money through a lot of hard work but are not paid much. They are the ones who should have lots of money because they put food, not only in their table, but also in ours.


I don't wear make-up nor fix myself to be beautiful in pictures and to other people's eyes. And with that, I always get called of being an ugly one that doesn't know the essence of beauty. Actually, they are the ones who don't know the essence of beauty. Beauty is defined from what you do, not on what you look. That's why I don't like celebrities and personalities who only know how to dress and be cute or sexy in front of the camera. Like, if you're part of the entertainment industry, you're goal is to entertain people with your talent, and not with your looks. Other people's opinion will not push you forward. Sometimes, it does since show business gain profit when audience talk about you, but money is not the goal, it is to be a legend.

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3 years ago
