Mind-Blowing Facts - Part 4

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Tom and Jerry Cartoons won seven Oscars and were nominated for six more. This animated franchise and series of comedy short films was created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.

A 56-year-old man from Pennsylvania, Chris Reynolds was accidentally credited $92 quadrillion by Paypal and was the richest man in the world for 2 minutes.

Graduate film students, James Wan and Leigh Whannell, wanted to make a film but can only afford one room. That film was the horror themed “Saw”.

Stare at the cross and the image around it turns into white because the brain filters it out. It is known as the Troxler fading illusion.

William Shakespeare, an English playwright, poet and actor, had a wife named Anne Hathaway. The famous actress Anne Hathaway’s husband looks very similar to William Shakespeare.

Meet Jilumol Mariet Thomas, the first ever woman in Asia to get a driving license without hands. She is suffering from Thalidomide Syndrome.

“Paranormal Activity” had a budget of $15,000. It had a box-office revenue of $194 million. During the screening, film-goers started walking out and one studio executive thought that they didn’t liked the film, but the truth is the viewers were too frightened.

Marvel’s Black Panther was the richest superhero of all Marvel and DC Characters with an estimated value of $90.7 trillion. It also became the first superhero movie to be nominated in the Best Picture Award.

Lazy Bones is the first remote intended to control a television and was developed in 1950. It was connected to the television by a wire.

3 million edits and 35,000 original articles – all for free are written by Steven Pruitt, an American Wikipedia editor. He holds the most number of edits made on Wikipedia, providing the world free knowledge.

The 8-year-old Grinch in the Grinch movie in the 2000 is played by 18-year old with dwarfism. Josh Ryan Evans passed away 2 years after the film was released due to heart failure.

An ocean quahog clam was given a nickname Hafrún, that was 507 years old, the world oldest known creature, was killed by scientist by mistake. It was dredged off the coast of Iceland in 2006 and its age is calculated through counting annual growth lines in the shell.

New York is building this U-shaped Sky scraper, considering it to be so big that even a plan can go through it. It is to be called the “Bid Bend”, proposed to have the height of 2,000 feet.

Blue Whales are the largest sea animal ever to live on Earth. It is so big that their tongue alone weighs same as an elephant. It has a length of 29.9 meters and weight of 173 tonnes.

J.K. Rowling is the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. She later on lost her billionaire status due to charity giving. She is a British author, best known for the much-loved series of seven Harry Potter novels, published between the years of 1997 to 2007.

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