14 year old bride. I wonder how to hear it, isn't it? Well, how big will a 14-year-old girl be? What is the limit of his knowledge? How much does he know about life? Well, if she is a village girl? So how much will he be aware of life? Ever wondered? Didn't think. Have you asked anyone a question? Didn't. Know or understand yourself. But did you tell or explain to others? Didn't do that. Do you know the result? Death. Death of a 14 year old child. She is a 14-year-old girl. She is not a teenager or a young girl. She is a child.
How much do you know about a 14-year-old girl? I'm saying. He only knows how to marry a doll But he does not know what marriage is. Even if he can do it till A-6, he will not be able to get the name of 8/9 house properly. He must be able to pick the fallen mango from the tree. But it will be very difficult for him to get a bucket of water. If you call her mother and give her a chocolate, she will be overjoyed. Because he is a child. His mind mentality is still like that of children. If you do not believe, check.
Now imagine what would happen if this 14-year-old child was married to a 36-year-old man? The answer is one, death. In the present age, many say, girls mature before boys. Well Seki is so mature physically? Never It's impossible. In the present age it is completely impossible. Now many will say, in the past, grandmothers, grandmothers got married at the age of 13/14 and had children. So what's the problem now? There is a problem. If you search in medical research, you will see that many mothers have died in the past due to early marriage. At that time the death rate was so high that it was unimaginable Due to which a law has been passed in the country that he cannot be married without a 16-year-old girl. A law is made only when it has a special need. This law has been made keeping in mind the health of girls. Otherwise this law would never have been made But do we obey that law? I do not agree. We men marry a 14-year-old child and torture him inhumanely like a toy doll It is difficult to hold back the tears while writing these If you hurt someone a lot, you will suffer a lot more. That is in this world or in the hereafter. You have to get it.
An 18-year-old girl became very good at family, husband and children. Then he can use his intellect She starts to think for herself to keep you happy. He understands how to handle the family. He understands and knows what to do and what not to do when he has a child. As a result, both the mother and the child are well. And the world is also happy But if the girl is 14 years old, then believe me, even if she survives, she will have to live with hardships for the rest of her life. At the age of 14, many girls lose their ability to become mothers, damage to various parts of the body for life, damage to the brain, and even loss of vision. A common practice among us today is to give birth to a child by Caesar. For which, at some point, the mother has to go through such pain and suffering that may lead her to death very quickly. There was a time when he became very helpless physically. But if you have a child at the right time, that is, after the age of 18, there is a lot of chance of a normal delivery. And in normal delivery the child is entitled to a lot of good health So why are you marrying a 14-year-old girl and endangering her and your next generation? Why?
Those who are educated, whose parents understand this, will never push their daughter to death. This is easy to say, but in reality it is the opposite. Every day in Dhaka city many educated parents are giving their daughter a child marriage. As a result, the girl's life is coming to an end. And what about the village side. If you go to a village and see the test run, there is one or two child marriages in each house. The child is spoiled. Or the girl is dead. You will get it. Maybe one or two people will find exceptions to this practice. Happiness will see their family. Their children will be so beautiful and healthy that you will just stare in amazement. Similarly, many in the educated community are exceptions to this heinous practice. Who marry their children at the right time. I humbly request you all to be aware. Highlight the harmful aspects of child marriage. Come forward to save our little girl children. Always try to make others like you an exception. This tendency is more prevalent among those who are less educated They make this mistake due to lack of good education I hope you will come forward. Otherwise another 14-year-old girl will die.
Thank you.
It happened on arrange marriage. They married young