Where Are You Storing Your Treasures?

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Avatar for MarielB22
2 years ago

Every once in a while somebody with a metal detector hits the beaches looking for treasure. Those who have mastered their machines know where to look and when to dig, thus saving valuable time. Some scour old maps and historical articles on microfilm in libraries to discover a possible site that will uncover lost treasure. The skilled at this hobby are actually able to make a living from it.

Other treasures

Some individuals store up gold, silver, platinum and valuable metals, hoping their value will increase over time. Others use these metals as a hedge against their country's fiat currency. Still others are holding on to these metals for bartering purposes if and when the world economy eventually collapses.

Treasure proof

I recently watched a 12-minute video on #Odysee, a video platform that pays you to watch and post videos. The video site does not censor like You Tube and Facebook. Anyway, the man has a channel that shows clips of people who have found valuables within the past week. He typically posts on Monday's, U.S. time.

Pixabay.com free images

His last video (they are all good) had a partial clip of an older gentleman metal detecting in a shallow area of a lake. Within an half hour, the man had found nearly $10,000 worth of gold rings. Amazing, right? The guy didn't say what he was going to do with them: store, sell or swap, but he went back to searching for more treasures. He had been looking in the right place.

Treasures in your house

Have you ever taken a look around the inside of your house and garage (if you have the latter)? What treasures now lie on dusty shelves or in unopened bins and cardboard boxes? And why did you put them there? Are they broken, useless or did you just grow tired of them?

Image: Pixabay.com

An honest inventory of your possessions will tell you how you define your life's work. How much have you accumulated? A lot?

Maybe you have enough junk possessions to fill up a truck! What are you doing with them - pass them on to your heirs so they can take them to the dump? What are their real value now and in the future?

Treasure comparison

Contrast your treasures and valuables to the poor people begging on the streets of our cities. You're rich, right? We all are. We have a tendency to store up material possessions over our lifetimes. Some of us have to buy the latest trends that quickly fall out of vogue, and then we buy again.

Are you richer than the homeless?

Personally, I don't have that habit (but I used to). I still have a nice LED TV that hasn't been turned on since shortly after the pandemic (I don't need the scaremongering and the coercion to take the jab). My clothes aren't as stylish as I could afford: simple clothing works well for me. I'm not out to impress anyone with luxury bags and shoes and trinkets and the like. I try my best to purchase only what I need for my son and me.

Oh, I'm not a miser by any stretch of the imagination nor am I an old spinster who saves soap scraps in a tin box. Not at all. Growing up in a poor family in the jungle I the southern Philippines taught me a lot about how to value money. Heck, I never even owned a toy. Instead, we played with sticks, aluminum cans and flip flops. We were inventive.

Allan Jackson

One of my favorite pastors preaches in Tennessee (the US for those that do not know). Recently he spoke some important truths when he said:

"Many of us spend our time and energies as if our lives consisted of how much we own. We all need to own things, of course, and I’m not opposed to nice things; but Jesus tells us to 'Watch out!' and be careful that our things don’t begin to define our lives." Bingo!

Treasures in Heaven

Jesus says our emphasis should be on accumulating the things that will matter in the life to come, that is, “treasures in heaven" (Matthew 6:19-21).

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal " (Matthew 6:19-20).

Tell the truth

How much of your time and energy is spent accumulating material things that have no eternal value? What treasure defines your life? Treasures on earth or treasures in heaven? Be careful - God is keeping track even if you're not.

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Avatar for MarielB22
2 years ago


Pienso que acumular materialismo nos va secando por dentro. Mejor estemos llenos de amor pasión, buen deseo y entrega a lo bueno. Esto es el oro que si debemos tener. Lindo día.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, i think one's treasures are a place of his valuable storage house where he can go in at anytime and make the most out of it. Though according to your cited bible verse, storing up such treasures should be better off in the heavens where nothing will come in and steal or break it because that's where the person's hope is

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's just nothing as good as storing up treasures for oneself in the heavens where neither rot consumes or thieves break in and steal rather than on earth where such things happens for where one's treasure is, that is also where his heart is as well

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Solid. Inspirational. Something to consider. In my pre-Christian life I amassed a lot of material goods: cars by the handfuls, clothes that would fill 20 closets, and numerous other things. But I lost every single thing. At first I was deeply discouraged, then I set about and accumulated everything again after the divorce and, guess what, lost everything again!

Nowadays I live a frugal life as an expat here in the Philippines (as you know). Like you, my family is cautious when buying things. We buy what we need, not necessarily what we want. It's a good habit to get into because eventually, like in my situation, one way or another a person will lose everything.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh, my! They had to suck but I get your point. Eventually, no matter what one does, everything we accumulate won't matter unless we store up treasures in heaven.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It made it a lot easier to get over material losses to the point that I now just shrug my shoulders and say, "Oh, well!"

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess I have something in my store room which is now unnecessary for me. Never thought like you said. So this is an eye opener for me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's an eye-opener for everybody to consider. Seems to me we have a wrong focus in today's society.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In the US you will see a lot of people having yard sales and garage sales to get rid of their things on the cheap. It's amazing and fits right in with what you're saying. Once valued items are sold on the cheap. It's crazy what we do!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know. A friend of mine in the US always posts pics of some of their neighborhood yard sales. Things are so cheap! Just piles and piles of clothes, furniture, gadgets and all kinds of things. Here they would be very valuable.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I had a friend in Texas who went around with his truck and picked up items people had put on their curb for the garbage men to haul away. He made $600 to $1,000 a week doing it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! That would be a lot of money here. People don't earn that here. Many get by on $200 to $300 a month!

$ 0.00
2 years ago