Who are you?

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3 years ago
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Do you really understand this question well? At what rate do you know yourself well? Is there instances that you ask this question in yourself? Usually when we are at school our teacher are asking who are you or maybe a stranger will ask this one and we just answer our name right? But as we grow older the question who are you becomes a puzzle to us, were starting to ask who really am I?, if I'm going to ask you a question, Do you know yourself well? maybe your answer will be different from the answer from your childhood.

So there is a factor affecting the answer of a person? the answer is Yes, from our childhood as the days,months and years past we are adapting in our environment and we realized the reality in that way the way we think becomes differ, did you get it? As long as the day goes by and you living in this world, there is something new added to yourself and it will change your perspective, for an example your 20 year old now and im going to ask you Who are you? then your answer will be based on your perspective, for an instance you will say that I'm a person who enjoys everything in life, but 5 years will past do you think your answer will still the same? Did you get it now, Who are you is not a simple question that is answerable by your name but as we grow older that question becomes deeper and we dig inside our mind to find the answer to that question.

It really proves that in our childhood, the way we think is not deep and were just answering based on what we feel and answer that question in a simple answer and that is our name. If your truly matured enough and you know yourself well that type of question is easy to answer. But I believe that there's no person in this world that can perfectly answer that question since there are still part of us we didn't discover, even elders are still confused at the question Who are you? since they don't know there real self, also teenager or adults are still finding the piece of them to completely answer this question.

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3 years ago
