Purity of mankind

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3 years ago
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This will be my last article to publish, since no one is interested to read my articles, maybe my articles is pure trash thats why readers just ignored, I know it to myself since I'm not good in English and my sentences and grammars are totally trash but this is my last article, I'm down right now maybe I can write if I got inspiration again :)

Do you believe that humans was born pure? Does environment change the behavior of a person? Are you aware that everyone of us got sins? In philosophy it states that humans was born without sin, they are pure and innocent when they open their, eyes and see the world. So how does person becomes evil and commit sin? One of the best answer in that question is because of its environment, if a person was born is a abusive parents, he or she can adapt its environment, maybe they will adapt that violence is the solution in all problems, another factor is if a person was born in state of poverty, they will force to steal food or money so that they can survive.

In short, if you born in an environment that full of wickedness and suffering, you will force to do bad things. There are people who commit sin but its not their fault since they born in a world that full of suffering, they just force by nature to do sin, but there are people that commit sins but they always regret it and asking for forgiveness of God, as Bible says God always forgiving. In reciprocate, there are people that commit crimes just to earn money or steal money, they are totally evil that don't deserve forgiveness. As always money makes a person evil, the devil is convincing a person to commit crimes so that they can get its soul to hell. Despite of our sins, God is always forgiving us, our beloved Jesus Christ sacrifice himself to cleanse our sins.

Humans is just humans, there is a good and evil, those good people are doing everything to surpass evilness in this world and replace it with happiness and laughters. In the end no matter how evil you are there is still a purity in your heart, even if you are the most evil human in the world, if someone touches your heart, you will never escape it and you will do a thing to help or follow your heart. As an individual even if we commit sins we must regret it and replace it by doing good things.

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3 years ago
