No man is an Island

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3 years ago

Are you familiar with this quote? Are you experiencing this one? In this article you will learn the essence of life, the importance of communication and friendship. There are people in this world believes that they can live on their own without interaction to others or without others help. From the title of this article, it tells in sarcastic way that there is no man living on their own, they need the help of community or other person. Maybe there are people in this world believes that they can live without interaction,those people may receive too much problems and pain, they are afraid to be judge thats why they don't want to share it with others, Also, maybe they have mentality that other people will worsen their problems.

Another circumstance that people don't want to interact in others is betrayal, because that person trust too much in the past and give everything but in the they've been betrayed. That's the reason why that person choose to live on their own and don't trust any person anymore. It really proves that pain changes people, trusting too much can cause pain that is difficult to heal, pain makes people live alone and keep them away from others. For me this quote is true since a person can't withstand the day without communication with friends, family or relatives. People needs to interact to develop the relationship and bond between two person, without communication people will become lonely and crazy. Maybe there are people who has Pride and philosophical thinking thats why they believe what they believe, but in reality that person with a pride must lower himself since he/she can't live in this world with a pride. In the worse case scenarios you can't be an island, since people will automatically helps you, its a nature of man that helping in times of emergency.

That's why as a human avoid being selfish and try to help others in any situation, in return people will also helps you. Being an island is not the solution to escape from reality of life, our world is awful but you must not limit yourself to become an island, eventhough you encountered so much pain, betrayal and other circumstances. Just pretend that your not affected and find someone to talk and share your problems, its not a sin to find some companions. Creating a group of friends will make you happy. Always remember that enjoy the life, try to break your limit and throw the mindset that man is an island.

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3 years ago
