5 Ways to Happiness

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3 years ago
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First things first this is my opinion and based on my knowledge on how to feel happiness despite of cruelty of this world. There are lots of problems we see and hear everyday, from Political, social and other problems that the world facing, it must not stop you to feel happiness but we must remove MONEY from choices sins money makes people evil. There 5 steps to feel happiness

1. Enjoy Life

Do you believe in quote saying that enjoy the life to its fullest, to become happy you must remove all the negativities in life replace it with joy and laughter. Having more friends will make you happy, especially in times of bonding and having a food trip, thats the best thing that makes you happy. But remember that you must enjoy the life in a good way, you must prioritize your studies or job since it is more important than enjoyment.

2. Have faith in God

Eventhough your experiencing too much problems , you can feel happiness if you have faith in God, he will remove all the pain that you have and replace it with happiness, telling him your problems will make you feel comfortable, though you can't see him, in your heart you know he is existing and listening to your words. The life is full of negativities but God is always there to help us cope up in our problems. Sometimes God sending a person that will comfort you and make you happy again that's why you must trust God since he has plan for you.

3.Helping others

Maybe people didn't know the feeling of helping a person or a community, but its really satisfying if you help others, in a simple way of helping them, you can't replace the happiness written in their faces. A simple thank you from them will make you goosebumps and the smile will drawn in your face also, you will realize that your helping yourself if you help others. Eventhough its not about money its still worth it if you help in a way that you use your force and use your skills to teach them or help them build something. In that way you can find new friends and companions, if your in times of your downfall there will be people that also ready to help you if you show them your kindness and lend your help. In this case you can feel happiness that material thing can't surpass it.

4. Participate in Environment Activities

If your a nature lover and you want to preserve our environment, you must try to participate in activities involved in preserving our environment. For example, tree planting, its exciting to plant trees in mountains or near roads since it will help to reduce carbon dioxide and people can breath fresh air. In participating in this event you can gain friends, there will be companions that you can share whats on your mind, there will be laughters while engaging in activity, you can feel happiness if you help a lot especially on our environment. Maybe you can encourage others to participate in Environmental activities also in that case there will be more friends added in your life and the more your friends the more your happier.

5.Create more friends

Maybe you can make a lot of friends in social media sites but its also good to have in real life, having lot of friends will make you happy, to gain more friends you must show them kindness, do not fake them since its not healthy to have fake friends, just show them who really you are and they will accept you in their life. You can't avoid those people who betrayed you but you must not stop yourself to look for more friends, a single person can replace by ten people, in the future he or she will regret what they do and its a mistake for them to betray you.

Thats why if you experiencing problems in life, always remember that there are ways to become happy. Do not limit yourself to be alone and eat by sadness, do an action to surpass your pain so that you can feel everlasting happiness.

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3 years ago
