Let Your Haters Be Your Motivators
Think about the time that you said toy our best friend or your group of friends or your girlfriend or your boyfriend and you said, what your real dream was, you got all this courage and you got vulnerable and you decided you were gonna tell the truth about, what it is you wanted to achieve and then what happened?
You got laughed at or when you start
making progress like a lot of you guys, you know, in your fitness journey, you start to make progress and you have people kind of hate on it Passively, right? Oh, you're getting all serious about that health now. And you guys allow a lot of the people that you connect with and you allow in your life, to pull You down.
Because you feel obligated to hear their opinion or listen to
them, because of the context of the
relationship maybe it's your brother
maybe it's your friend from high school maybe it's your girlfriend maybe it's your boyfriend maybe it's your mom maybe it's your dad right. And we all love these people and these people mean well most of the time. But what they don't understand is, when they criticize us for having a little success or laugh at our dreams.
What does that make us do, it makes us pull back, it makes us get more
conservative, it makes us not say what we want and I can promise you if you can't say what you want you'll never achieve what you want. Winning in life in any area is a great thing and when people start to see you win and they start trying to pull you back.
That's a good indication of people that you should probably work separate from because those are the people who are going to draw energy off you that
could otherwise be spent moving you
Many people die at age 21 and don't get buried until they're 65. They play it safe they don't take any
chances well, as soon as I graduate or as soon as the bills are paid as soon as your children grow up you know as soon as I get my divorce all this kind of stuff up in here. No, if there's something you want to do, don't live like you have a thousand years to live decide that you're going to experiment with your life, decide that you're going to take some chances.
See, ladies and gentlemen if you're not willing to risk you're not willing to grow, and if you're not willing to grow, you're not willing to be your best and if you're not willing to be your best you can't be happy and if you can't be happy then what else is there you've got to decide to be unstoppable.
Most people, all you have to do is tell them. No, all you have to do is make it inconvenient for them, all you have to do is make it difficult for them and they're stuck. See, when you go to get your goal, don't think that all you have to do is fake positive and everything's going to work out okey-dokey for you.
When you want to grow, when you want to achieve, when you want to experience more, all hell will break loose. Everything that can happen will happen, So when life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up, looking at that goal you've got to begin to become unstoppable.
Photo by Unsplash
What goes around comes around. I graduated my course because someone dragging me down and gladly I made it on top to reach all my dreams.