Time is something things which a human never get controlled. Time never stops it continues. How awkward is it when we know we r getting old by passing time and we r losing todays status. According to some philosophers they named time as money. Time is money if u are making your time valuable then you are investing on your own like when you spend your money on your own stuff.
Time relates to all the history i.e The religious history or the history of different emperor's or the history of war or the history of different famous personalities or history of religions. As the time passing it can also updating the world along with it. There are many concepts and thoughts about time and different variety of divices are made to measure the time.
Not all the clocks of the world have same time at once. Time relates with the solar system. The position of the sun along with the clocks of the world earth turns their needles. There are 195 countries in this world and no country has the same time at once. All have the difference of 1 or 2 or 3 or 5 or 12 hours depends on their location on the world map. Some where there 12am of morning and somewhere it is 12pm of night.
You are living in the planet where you don't have control on time. So if you don't have control on time then u also loses control of your life on all the things which are related to the time. So u have less time to change things. U just have to choices to make. Use your time and make the history or waste your time by seeing other's history. Life is too short spend it well.