Do you ever wonder what is the impact of Covid-19 pandemic at our education system?
Because of pandemic, we are now having the so called new normal education, wherein, no more face to face classes at all levels. Up until now, we are still at the adjustment period on this scheme. Teachers, students and parents all have a great contribution for this new normal education to become possible. The efforts of our teachers are highly appreciated and commendable. Of course, the role of our parents in this time of pandemic and in the new normal education is of great help. Us students, should appreciate the things and efforts, both our parents and teachers are doing for us to make this new normal education possible. Let us strive more for excellence. Let us do our part to alleviate the burdens our parents and teachers are experiencing right now. We have to focus on our studies and let us show to the world, that we are really the hope of the future.
In this time, even when we are staying at home to study, we should never forget the do's and dont's regarding health protocols. So, let us strive for a better and excellent future. We can make it, despite these odds, we can still make things possible. Thank you to our teachers and parents for all the sacrifices and efforts. We can make it all, we can make everything possible.