Persistence and continuity

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Persistence is the act of continuing in an opinion or course of action despite difficulties,fatiques,fraustration and oppositions.In psychology, persistence is a personality trait.It is measured in the temperament and character in ventory and it is considered as one of the four temperament traits.

Our moral lesson is drafted from the birth and wide welcome of a baby giraffe.The birth of a giraffe is always a remarkable experience on earth.It endures a rude welcome into the world by falling more than 5ft to the ground at birth.The mother lovingly lowers her neck to smooch the baby giraffe and then kicks it, sending the baby flying in the air and trumbling down to the ground.This action continues untill the little giraffe (still trembling and tired) pushes her limbs,gets up on her feet and walks,it falls again but recovers quickly and stands.This infant can stand in half an hour and runs with the mother an incredible 10hours. The mother becomes happy because she has taught the baby a lesson and it can learn it.

The mother giraffe has a reason for doing this,is because she knows that the lions and the leopards enjoy eating giraffe meats as food,so until the baby learns how to stand on it's feet and runs it can not survive.No matter how many times you fall,no matter how big the scars are.It could be 99 times,always remember to rise,pick up your broken pieces and continue.When life gives you reasons to say it is over,just remember it is not.No matter how hard,what matters is bouncing back to life and continuing.

Finally,in every pursuit,let us be persistent, knowing that falling is part of life while rising is living.Dennis Naitley quotes "As long as we are persistent in the pursuit of our deepest destiny we will continue to grow". Rising come after a fall.Remember, when you fall , never lie there,rise and continue,these grants victory.

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Those two factors are very essential for success in life. Persistence is needed for a good breakthrough and continuity is needed for sustainability of the breakthrough. Thanks.

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3 years ago